
I think that would have worked for me if I'd have stayed married. Now it makes things worse as instead of just being overweight I have stretch marks and loose detached skin. Some guys honestly have no idea a body can look that way and are visibly shocked or say fun stuff like "wow! Your stomach looks like Harry Potter

I couldn't even get too upset at the couple things Danny said that are things I hate hearing (being shaved is being like a 9 year old, show your curves like a real woman as obviously not all woman have curves). I just loved this episode and I love Danny, I love Mindy and that exchange between the two made me smile

Yeah It would really depend on the person. What I would hope would come out of it would be not so much knowing what it's like to be overweight as what over people go through and maybe change some of their views / things the say/ how they act. The overweight one is the only one I feel comfortable with as I've said I've

I generally agree with this. Especially when it comes to poor people. Playing poor for a day or two isn't going to help you to understand being homeless. I do think you are right we need to talk to people and listen to their stories. I also think stuff like this doesn't need to be done for TV.

I'm not saying the actors are bad I just think some of the auditions are probably pretty funny as others have confirmed.

Amazing. I knew it had to be something like that.

Yeah I don't know about this show. I know they have actors for some of the shows though like I didn't know I was pregnant.

Helllll yeah Mama's Family. The best!

he had to pretend to be hit by a flying tire.

That would be an amazing career, and an amazing IMDB page.

That's amazing. If I was him I would tell complete strangers. Tell me all about it!

Okay guys am I the only one that watches these things and wonders about the actors? Like the woman on I didn't know I was pregnant they had to audition for that shit. Did they have to sit and strain on a toilet for their audition? Do they put these things on a resume or clip reel?

Yeah I had to take FMLA. I didn't get paid I could only afford it because I moved in with my parents. If that wouldn't have been an option I would have not been able to take but a few days. Not only that but because of early contractions my doctor wanted me off work earlier than working up until I gave birth as

When they first cast him on GOT I had to look up where he was from it was driving me nuts.

Now playing

I think they know that... right? I mean they sound so similar. They did have Finn and Jake on an episode of Futurama. It was very blink and you'll miss it.

yeah I try not to think about that. I'm getting old.

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Little girl from Love Actually = Marceline from Adventure Time. When I found out... MIND BLOWN!!!

Yup me too. Someone posted on GT not too long ago that PP told them this was just effective as condoms or almost as effective. I was like well I never got pregnant with condoms... but pullout method I got pregnant a good few months in.

Orlando Jones has got you covered.