This is something I can get behind!
I still have an episode on my hard drive as I HAD to download it. It contains this GEM. Whenever I'm sad I watch it and always feel better.
Yeah as long it starts a dialog I don't really care where it comes from I just want that dialog. I am always surprised at just how much sexism is from men just not thinking about things. When a guy says something sexist and I actually confront him about it they always look taken aback for a minute like they are just…
When people say hateful/harmful things one of the worse things we can do is nothing. When someone says something at work or somewhere most of the time I call them out and you know what I have changed minds or at least started some thought processes. Talking about a Trans person on TV a coworker said can you believe…
Yeah I took the Same Love song to be from a place of him kind of looking inside to realize the preconceived notions he had especially as a child about what it meant to be gay and realizing that they were not true. I think some people were offended because they thought of it as some straight white guy who came along…
Yeah I really don't either. I cannot speak for POC nor would I so this has nothing to do with that end of things same goes for anything with gay rights, but as a woman when a man speaks up about sexism in any way I'm all for it. It definitely is frustrating when a man says something and people stand up and listen…
Yeah and another thing is I think a lot of times winning reality shows is a bit of a death sentence with very few exceptions a lot of people/places won't take you seriously. These kids are still young by the time they are older no one will remember they were on the show not to mention they have their whole lives ahead…
It is very very hard to get my daughter interested in anything beyond video games no matter how hard I try. One thing she has always enjoyed is watching cooking shows with my mom. It's kind of their thing. When she saw the commercials for this she was really excited to watch it. Seeing kids her age cooking got her…
Don't resist. Just give in.
I came here looking for this dance and I was not disappointed. When you mention Stephanie Tanner and dancing this is the only thing of relevance.
You are very welcome. I have enjoyed staring at it. It's quite hypnotic. I keep getting stuck. *wipes drool off keyboard*
As a huge Veronica Mars fan I get excited at any show that the creators are involved with. The mention of zombies got a bit of a meh from me until I clicked the link and saw it is based off of the comic iZombie which I quite enjoyed. So now yay! Hopefully the CW doesn't CW it up too much.