
I'm speaking more about the famous people. These guys talk about regular woman yes but sometimes they take well known famous figures like Natalie Portman here. Where as you don't ever hear about say Owen Wilson. Of course with a man it is not as visible, but still the same usually the shame rests on the woman in these

These people never say anything about the men that got the woman pregnant. There have been plenty of famous men who have had children out of wedlock. It always seems to be on the woman. Not that I agree with it either way just an observation.

Thats what I was afraid of. I don't feel like putting time into finishing it if there is no conclusions. Too bad I was just starting to like it.

Does anyone know if this show will have some sort of resolution? I stopped watching it when it was moved to Sunday. I was actually enjoying it, but I was under the impression that it was pretty much canceled and I was not wanting to keep watching a show that was not going to have any sort of ending. Unless the first

yeah I was like Doctor Who woohoo...then I was like rape...hmmm What?!

I also blame it on the capitalization I mean its typed as The Doctor Who when it should be The doctor who would probably have still thought the same thing but the capitalization didn't help.

I read this title as Doctor Who said video games cause rape...I was very confused for a few minutes.

Outcasts its on BBC I believe they will eventually be showing it on BBCA. There are certain seedy areas of the web one may be able to find Outcasts and download it for viewing. Not that I would know about that sort of thing (Holy hell is he hot in this series) There is only one episode thus far was shown yesterday and

@LaComtesse: Ug I read the fourth book when it came out so I've been waiting forever. I plan on marathoning and rereading all of them when and if the next one comes out. I remember each book just getting better. I read one and loved it, two I was like wow this is even better, Three I was just blown away, four

Now playing

Oh man I love British comedy. This show just had me laugh so hard I snorted. Bonus for a young Martin Freeman.

Holy hell flash back to teenage years go go. I remember this song on repeat in my "rebel" teenage years.

"Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?"

@AerintheGREAT: Its not all doom and gloom. It is challenging but they help me out a lot. I'm really lucky to have their help I have no idea what I would have done otherwise.

@tsukiotoshi: Thats what I say! My parents trying to intervene and tell me how to raise her upsets me. I love that she loves video games as much as me!

I am a single mom forced to live with my parents after my divorce and being laid off and this is a constant problem in our house. My daughter LOVES playing the wii and her DSI (she is six) and while I do not let her play all day long I let her play at night before bed and on weekends more. I think it is good for her

The whole thing going on breaks my heart for this little girl. I don't have any idea whats going on in the private lives of either of these people so I can't comment. I just hope that everyone keeps a clear head and keeps the childs needs first.