
No, people who sign up for the Chicago Card Plus get a card that you can tap so I assume this app could at least work in theory.

Glad I'm not the only person who immediately thought that haha This jacket could get you so much free stuff.


Since his reply made no sense, I'll help you out.

Do you agree with Samsung's statement:

I had one of these for a long time. great for texting.

But then you would have to drink Caribou's drinks. No thanks.

I wish the heart click still existed.

What if they were able to achieve that with some fancy haptic feedback? badasssss

the fact that we can mine raw materials from the earth or make it our fucking selves and then create such vastly complicated and intricate things just blows my mind. fucking science, man.

It's not lazy journalism. This was submitted by a user and shared. Deal with it.

BLAM! When did he get back? Edit: Looks like a guest contribution, but still, BLAM!

As a fellow professional video dude, this was my first thought. We use AJA Kona cards and boxes — things that do not readily plug into a laptop. Love that thunderbolt/PCIe expansion though. Most people here are super concerned that they won't have awesome graphics, but the Pro is really suited for professional

Thank you.

Thank you.

As a professional video editor, I thank you for saving me the hassle of explaining it. I do not envy him the task of that rotoscoping though...

I mean, what's the point of "quitting money" if your quality of life afterwards make people say, "Holy shit. I'm glad I have money." If he was going all My Side of the Mountain or Bear Grylls at least people would think he was dangerous/cool. But no. Garbage and roadkill and handouts from people. BUM.

I would be a lot more impressed if he didn't eat roadkill and garbage. He's just a bum.


I'm a bit of a skeptic, but if I saw something with my own two eyes, it would indeed be hard to deny. Do you mind sharing the story?