I think this one is cooler except for, you know, the whole "blowing up" thing...
I think this one is cooler except for, you know, the whole "blowing up" thing...
"...the acquisition and retention of the perfect buzz is an artform."
@relawson: Lol suddenly "tiny" and "8 tracks" made me think of the ipod shuffle...
I did NOT see that punch line coming...
This will look great next to my tiny eight track player in my miniature "devices rarely used" collection. Seriously, since I sold my car I haven't listened to the radio at all. Maybe a sports game or two...
Couldn't they put a better quality camera in the chimp box? Also, I think they should have built a video monitor in the back of the box so maybe they would notice a correlation between where they point it and what they see... then again, that will obviously lead to chimp porn so maybe we're better off this way.
@Alfisted: and make MILLLIONSSSSSSS!!!! Brilliant, except binging on bananas is hardly a way to spend your fortune...
@Zaylex: YES SIR! Phenomenal mouse right there! There are two at my house and one for the laptop. Excellent!
I know my first reaction when someone shines a bright light in my face is to quiver in fear and surrender my weapons... oh wait, no it's usually "get pissed off"... hmm...
@PurpleMonkeyDishwasher: It might be... If we weren't all power-hungry computer maniacs!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!
I believe it's to confuse dyslexic listeners even further.