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I think this one is cooler except for, you know, the whole "blowing up" thing...

"...the acquisition and retention of the perfect buzz is an artform."

The perfect Star Trek game. The kind that actually has very little to do with Star Trek haha

@relawson: Lol suddenly "tiny" and "8 tracks" made me think of the ipod shuffle...

I did NOT see that punch line coming...

This will look great next to my tiny eight track player in my miniature "devices rarely used" collection. Seriously, since I sold my car I haven't listened to the radio at all. Maybe a sports game or two...

Couldn't they put a better quality camera in the chimp box? Also, I think they should have built a video monitor in the back of the box so maybe they would notice a correlation between where they point it and what they see... then again, that will obviously lead to chimp porn so maybe we're better off this way.

@Alfisted: and make MILLLIONSSSSSSS!!!! Brilliant, except binging on bananas is hardly a way to spend your fortune...

@Zaylex: YES SIR! Phenomenal mouse right there! There are two at my house and one for the laptop. Excellent!

I know my first reaction when someone shines a bright light in my face is to quiver in fear and surrender my weapons... oh wait, no it's usually "get pissed off"... hmm...

I believe it's to confuse dyslexic listeners even further.