That much has been made abundantly clear.
That much has been made abundantly clear.
You should try leaving your political affiliation out of our car blog. Your liberalism is showing...
I think every millennial that voted should get a participation trophy, complete with a crying baby in full plastic gold on top. Hillary lost, suck it up pussywillows.
What this site needs is some RF, Robert Farago. He freely spoke his opinions but he wasn’t an idiotic like Jalopnik is becoming.
Is Jalopnik gonna write any articles about the protestors in the street setting shit on fire and beating people who they think may have voted for Trump? Those protestors most likely drove to those locations in a car of some sort, so that seems like it would pass Jalopniks subject matter relevance test. Sure, you have…
Shit, I clicked on Jezlopnik on accident...
still a Japanese company, money goes back to japan. thus still ironic
You gotta wonder. Jalopnik has turned so insanely liberal. What piss-poor writer would intentionally turn off half their potential readers in the first paragraph? I thought Jalopnik was about cars. I guess it’s now more about whiny millennials not getting the new toy they wanted.
No one cares about Alanis Kings racist hate filled opinions yet she blast them all over the internet. If I was the sponsors on this site I would pull my support in a heartbeat.
Hillary lost. get over it. you can shout from the rooftops and be as biased as you want. at some point, you need to grow up, become an adult and move on.
Cars not politics. Please.
Toyota, huh?
“While many wallow in sadness about the election of a racist, sexist person into the highest U.S. office...”
I’ve really had it up to hear with the political crap here lately, especially the opening sentence. You guys need to chill out and get in touch. I’ll be back in a few weeks when you guys hopefully give it a rest.
Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.
Just making Elon Musk look that much cooler.
Faraday Futures....
Did anyone ever actually believe this car was actually going to happen?
Police vehicles ought to be speed limited to the posted limit.