
I have this setup. I did one flight with it using my gopro and immediately looked at options to add gimbal because footage was really shaky. I decided to go cheapo route on Amazon and got the this (link below) for $110. Now they are down to around $62 as I had to buy new one (crashed and broke it). Its definitely not

I have this setup. I did one flight with it using my gopro and immediately looked at options to add gimbal because

Quite a bit. For one, you can actually buy one now. The AR.Drone 2.0 isn't available anywhere right now. Also, it's list price is $300, so quite a bit more than half of this deal.

Quite a bit. For one, you can actually buy one now. The AR.Drone 2.0 isn't available anywhere right now. Also, it's

Title should read "Mod DB users Pick Their Top 10 PC Mods of 2014". Because this poll does not include mods from sites such as Nexus mods which contains many excellent mods for other games, most notably the Bethesda games (Fallout and Elder Scrolls series).

Your insights are very interesting and I would love to hang out with you at a party.

And here I thought Browns fans were from Cleveland...

Brilliant. That is all. :)

Today's casual racist banter, courtesy of this douche nozzle.

That's pretty racist, dude.

Anyone else thought it was funny how the guy in the white car at 0:22 sprints away from the scene even though his car wasn't involved in the initial crash? Like he was afraid of getting caught violating probation or something....

something something jurassic park

something something jurassic park

What are you talking about. You can slap the shit out of anyone in that game. Thats exactly what they want, equality... right?

Strangely, I've come back to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory about every year for a playthrough, 100% on Expert. Most of those levels I know like the back of my hand as well as many of guard paths and tricks. There's something satisfying of running through with no kills, getting in and out with no one noticing you.

Same thing for Red Lobster during endless shrimp. It's Darden I tell you.

The place where this kid has their birthday party is practically the same place I had that exact same birthday party in Virginia, which made the experience of playing Fallout 3 really, SUPER weird.

I just keep telling myself "It's coming; they're taking their time making it infinitely amazing and the wait will be worth it."

You could get a good gaming laptop for the same amount of money.

your face is the ultimate horror game.

I was only slightly inconvenienced, but I'll just continue to blame any network outages on Verizon, they'll just continue to blame any issues on my equipment. It's worked this way for years.

So he brought the Jackling House, but didn't actually like it. Why did he buy it?