
Can’t remember the last time I saw the phrase “begs the question” used correctly.

Guys a pro...

Would love to know, in meters, how close a call that really was...

Space has the lowest crime rate in the world.

The better your foundation, the less time required for fixin’. Pretty much the same approach in 3d, apply 80/20 rule to get your base image out of 3d, then its off to Photoshop or After Effects if its video. Here’s something I did recently, directly out of 3d software on the left, post on the right obviously.

Alissa, when we get married, our honeymoon shall be at the Memphis Bass Pro Shop Suites and Inn. =P

Right? I had an unclear opinion of what Bass Pro was before I went to one, but from a theatrical standpoint, its quite an experience!

A lot of thuggery in this game...

I prefer the low tech version, and just going out and exploring the world.

And then it hits the porno scene...

Lol the ‘84 Macintosh video, on the homescreen: “Why do I have Windows?”

And yet, looks very much the same

They’re using Zunes to build a replica of the pyramids.

A lot of people get happiness out of their jobs...

Maybe not throw it away, make something cool with it! Here’s my old computer’s new home.

The radius of the building would extend well past the diameter of the opening. The depth of the hole really is just to have a great depth to begin driving support pylons into the ground down to bedrock.


Right? I mean isn’t that how we make more oil for future generations?