
Who'd have known HPV could be that debilitating...

Clap clap clap!

Christ, that matte black is effin gorgeous...

I am always amazed at how much this bothers you people.

For any Fallout fans out there:

No, you need to be backing all that up to SkyDrive.

Those tricky bastards... I've never wanted to go on a cruise, this is just one more piece ammo for me to diffuse the ladies desires. ;P

And I thought I was paranoid.

Aren't most cruises drinks included?

You're using the work garbage as in the street lingo 'melted plastic fumes which are inhaled', right? Then yea, I use it for that too.


And its basically kitty litter.

Can anyone let me know if it limits file sizes you can upload like Box? Bc, sure a lot of people hopped on their 50 free gigs, but at 250mb file size limitations, its a bit useless for my needs.

Gawker, do you own the domains with which you use to spam your own blog here? Because I'm starting to think that's the only reason that would validate how little you seem to care.

Ive been looking to substitute my bedrooms pc tv with something simpler, and somehow Id never heard of these Droid TV sticks. Do these work like a Roku device?

It's where you're filling an orifice with 7 objects.

Am I missing something? What do I do after I cut the black cable?

CDP P2 is such an excellent carry. Excellent weight to size ratio, plenty of stop power.

Yes, I feel this was the case. Glad to know it's malarkey more or less, however.

Slightly outside of the topic, but I recently received a DMCA notice from a large company for using a word that's definition is a fairly common thing, but that also happens to be the name of one of their products. Due to the size of said company, I decided not to contest as the word was only used in a product