
For those professionals who still need real computational power in a mobile computer, that use software that rely on processor power and a traditional OS (even though I know there are only a tiny tiny hand-full of those people out there) now is an amazing time to buy a laptop!

That's what you saw? All I see is a huge old school megaton nuke warhead with wings and a fuselage.

Well he's directly making some real money off ad revenue on his vids. I have a video that gets maybe 10k views a month, and I make probably $100 off that one videos ad banner every 2 or 3 months. His videos are averaging 9 and 10 million views. So, that's not theoretical money, Google direct deposits a percentage of

This rang so true with me! I shattered my ankle riding a skatepark competition when I was 13, and the EMT started slicing into my brand new Geckos and I was so much more upset about that than the alarming amount of leg and ankle bone protruding from my skin.

Well there was a lot at stake.

Come on now, no need to blow smoke up his ass.

I've been ready to watch the transit all day!!!

You can either be an oblivious spectator, or a realist that makes comments based on factual statistics. Mine was made with the latter, and you know exactly what I meant and why.

Absolutely not trying to be racial, but was picking an area that seems to be predominantly african american the best area in which to do this?

Actually I expect him to have a higher frame rate camera with which to capture his escapades of destruction. He needs to pony up the cash for one.

I've contemplated this after watching his videos, and even as a US resident. The only way I see this being kosher is that he and his affiliates are A. Obviously performing these experiments in a rural area B. It being a rural area, they're being granted much more leeway from local authorities to do things like this

Hmmm, discouraged by this article, I'd decided not to purchase this for my girlfriend, but you gave me an excellent do it yourself hybrid idea! =) Thanks!

I find it unfortunate that it is our leading astrophysicist that have such a grounded comprehension of hot to accomplish long term economic stimulation, and not Washington.

Well, to lend some affirmation to that statement, I have always been a pc gamer and have never given into the pressure from friends to get an xbox so we could game. I simply never felt like that product completely fit my wants. As I was reading though, I thought "well now I have a reason to get an xbox."

I hear that ones going to be better anyways.

Please don't rape Indiana again.

Only iphoners video in portrait mode. Seriously, you will never see an andrioder doing this.

But, to steer you towards an awesome tablet, the ASUS Tranformers are the best on the android side. Phenomenal product.

I thought that too, but I was wondering if perhaps this is altered at all in space.

The more water added, the more it's viscosity is compiled making it harder to fracture into bubbles?