
I began using an sms backup app couple of years ago, damn my insatiable sentiment. Every 24 hours it archive texts to a gmail I set up for the purpose. It's quite nifty.

And on our collective hearts!

I think the fact that it might be able to carry a tank is a bit more impressive:

Tears. Every time.

I believe there are 169 toilets, yes.

Well said.

Have you ever been smacked in the face by a wiener from above? No?

You are right! We should never rely on an online service like we did with facebook in the olden days, we should sync them with google!

New business relationships do require a firm foundation.

Is vizio making a decent product now? My roommate in school some years back had one that was far from desirable.

Why didn't he... you know, just fix the thing?

Agreed, and while I'm not a consumer of apple, it seems like it would be in line with their mission statement to do whatever it took to resolve that design flaw.

Could this not be simply solved by have an led under a transparent portion of the body that used an accelerometer type system to rotate the lit logo depending on the laptops orientation?

Simply purchase a gallon bulk drum from a company like Sysco food products. They're already peeled too!

It's not like it's Star Wars Kid level online humiliation, chill out dissenters!

Or /r/spacedicks

I want an iPhone now, simply so I can buy this.

Wow, I did a bit of research on this, and the rod actually shot THROUGH his skull landing some 20 feet behind him. Insanity.