prepared lizard

@Michael Scrip: *ahem* root? ... wireless tether for root? save money? does any of this sound familiar? lol

@Tom: you look familiar, but I can't quite remember where I've seen you before sir.

this should go well with fluid for mac (:

too bad the world is going to end soon. I would have loved to see this

so long gesture search bar! .... this is a better way to trigger gesture search

I used ADW launcher for the longest time. But after the article featuring power strip I've found my soulmate. It's multitasking at its best

did you say Flan? .... I'm pretty sure its supposed to be Froyo :/


i just downloaded this app. 99 cents is a steal for this marvelous piece of software. 5 stars hands down.

I really thought I'd replace my trusty old droid with the beastly droid X but that ain't looking so good thanks to this eFuse deal since I like to tinker with my devices. Someone will find a way though.

@/dev/nall: thank you dear sir for this useful information

@Crashproof: really? ... promoting a troll? really?

why do people call it iphone 4g? .... why? .... ugh!

i dont think ANDROID has such system requirements last time I checked :P

@man4: the truth shall prevail!

wow that's pretty even! ... though i kind of expected that result