Rutherford B. Hayes, caretaker president

Are all photos of nude or nudish women inherently “male gaze”?

But this movie is bad.

Do we want them to be equally patriarichal capitalist? That’s what she’s critiquing here.

Commerce and capitalism aren’t the same thing.

This sounds fantastic. These have basically been my gripes with contemporary feminism for the last year. She’s doing good work!

Yeah let’s listen to a former Reagan administration economic advisor who pals around writing papers with Larry Summers. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.

Surely you have an example?

it’s totally on-brand dude

Fuggin noice. Love it when commerce co-opts social movements. Love it even more when supposed organizers of social movements endorse it.


Many on the left have been cynical about the DNC for a long time. It did not at all start with Sanders or any of these “conspiracy theories,” as you’ve described them. It began with their embrace of free market solutions to all of our problems, and increased steadily from there to where we are today.

Well you might be more of a progressive neoliberal than you realize. And that’s a real thing! A lot of us are but we’re so accustomed to the temperature of the water, we don’t realize we’ve been operating under very specific political conditions (with enough wiggle room for some left/right social maneuvering) since

Certainly now, but not because of any pride or fidelity with the DNC apparatus, but because we’re identifying more closely (desperately) with progressive politics.

Oh good, it’s the old “Bernie was too much of a POC to have won” claim. Very progressive of you.

Yes, it is your mistake.

Well, I guess I’ve rarely met a Very Proud Democratic Party voter in my life. I just find it hard to believe that any of us on the left give that much of a crap about the integrity of the DNC.

I already addressed those unfacts—mostly forgivable misunderstandings and magnified pedantry. All are inconsequential.

I never understood liberals’ weird obsession with fidelity to the Democratic Party during those last months of the primary. I really don’t. Where did it come from? Asolutely nobody, and I mean NOBODY cared about the purity or integrety of the DNC machine and party line until the socialist showed up.

I’ll admit it’s armchair psychologizing based on what we’ve known about her ambitions and priorities over the decades, plus her total ghosting from the “resistance” scene.

Not true:

In my opinion, Hillary supporters are much more cult-like in their insistence that should could never herself fail—rather, that she can only BE failed.