
Roger's advice was the best and most realistic — Joan played her hand way too early. She played off emotion, not strategy. She was in the office, what? a few hours? She goes right to the top — Hobart — demanding that Ferg be removed from her accounts and threatens a lawsuit (with the backing of female staff that she

Peggy has actually built up the skills and reputation through all of her sacrifices and hard, determined work. Joan didn't really fold — she basically didn't have much to stand on. She wants to take the harassment/feminist route, but the slightest digging inter her background by McCann's stealthy lawyers would have

Most of us often feel that way. But the difference is, all we have is the frustration — we don't have Don's originality, brilliance, and reputation to precede us. To make an impulsive move like that, you've got to "earn" it, in a sense… or tough enough to know your limitations.

Roger did not negotiate a contract for him when he concocted the McCann buy-out.

Because he's getting paid to do exactly as he wants and he's happy about it. Does Don care? No. But I'm sure Don was a bit jealous that Lou actually had a goal from which he can derive happiness.

I actually don't think even heard the money amount — all he heard is a guy who actually had goal, accomplished it, and sounds happy… he thought about that for a second, and then the "west coast office as future of SCP" started brewing in his mind, and he focused on that.

When Roger sold McCann 51% of the Sterling-Cooper, he stated that he had secured SC as an independent subsidiary. But, the guarantee could have had a very specific time frame — The subsidiary clause could have been honored for, say, "at least one year from date of contract." It's just about a year at this point from

Glen didn't really change his mind due to any real philosophical shift. He couched it that way in front of Sally, but revealed the truth in front of Betty: He joined the military because he was failing out of Purchase U. He's using military enlistment as deflection. I wish he was the guy that was concerned about