
Oh no, they only made a kabajillion dollars and have some of the highest grossing films of all time, but they might not be able to do that AGAIN! My heart breaks for them.

I think there needs to be more up close penetration. Asexual penetration, of course, but drilling nonetheless.

Good lord, that has to be the dumbest description of Fight Club I have ever read. Did your little sister write it?

Well narcissists don’t know what the first one even is.

And that’s saying something! Who knew capitulating to clickthrough rates as the primary motivator of your writing would turn your site into a desperate honeypot of dramabait and low-IQ bullshit.

“The toxic masculinity his movies either examine or celebrate depending on your point of view”

30 more years?!? Yeah right.

It’s Hitler. Hitler is doing the voice now.

“The addition of Margot’s other friends”

More noticeably to me in that interview is not Chevy’s par-for-the-course asshole egotism, but Maron’s utter lack of scruples in interviewing him. It would have taken the tiniest little iota of puppy dog balls to push back on ANYTHING Chevy said with a “bullshit, the show was great and you did your best work in

Glad this show is still coming up with premises that throw pearl clutching sanctimonious comment sections into a frenzy. Will be even funnier in retrospect when everyone stops buying into the neoliberal fantasy of achieving social equity through A-list casting and accepts that it was quite obviously a cynical scheme.

Taking the contrarian position that Disney actually really cares about social equality and isn’t just making constant cash grabs is pretty funny.

He kinda seems like a dick in the outtakes. He’s that guy at the party who’s “always on”, like constantly trying to one-up people and be the sole source of entertainment. So it leads to either saying lots of unfunny stuff or lots of offensive stuff for a rise.

Guess it’s true what they say.

What are your favorite jokes from the movie?

based emma roberts

Tell them to stop bio signaling so hard. Blur those edges a little. Big sweaters, baggy jeans, unisex hobbies. ASL if they have time to learn it.

There’s a magic number of man-with-penis-in-mouth photos you can send to solve just about any problem, but it’s really hard to get it right. It’s like being an anesthesiologist - a tiny bit too much and you kill em.

Pleasantly surprised by Wolf’s comments. But then again, maybe I shouldn’t be, since she is actually funny, after all.

I think he lost like $35 million dollars and all his movies and projects were cancelled and he’ll obviously never have any access to anything he doesn’t create himself ever again. I’d say that’s more than “no blowback” for a guy who got permission to jerk off in front of someone.