
you joke but i think market research is probably showing just that. appeal to people’s narcissistic anxiety by making it seem like if you dislike the show, you must support [insert -ism] and watch them all “re-evaluate” the show

translation: GoT has a new property coming out soon and Tyrion has to do damage control. they’re going with the tried and true method of misrepresenting the criticisms and disparaging the criticizers for not forcing a love of mediocrity.

good lord this looks bad

no we’re believing an anonymous stranger instead

unless i read the story wrong, the implication is that he might never have said any of that, the accuser could be inventing it

on his mom’s part? yeah.

could not be more wrong. the new star wars films were amusement park rides traced over the old film’s legacies. everyone in them acted and reacted as though they had watched the old films and were expecting each story beat as it happened.

i thought it was kind of nice, that such a “big” artist put out something so intimate and cozy. was not expecting it.

one time i said i wasn’t really that into Beyonce and someone said that I “would have been a slaveowner”

like breaking rocks with their heads

Allison cheats and gets in violent confrontations and Patty sells oxy when the multi-cams disappear.

big if true

i thought this too. even the voiceovers. but chicken fingers were such a more obvious item to use as a stand-in for mob rule than...anime robots, which never tracked for me

agreed. CS:GO’s a weird mix of super meticulous rules about spread and recoil and hitboxes and also a bunch of complete inaccuracies

takes a lot of range, or being Clint Howard, to play Clint Howard

the moon.....the sun

you forgot “sucking”

this game tried so hard to be a movie on its own. what is the point in now just providing a diluted experience of that same movie

don’t forget “the collected time spent editing every AVclub post”

does she play sports