my favorite part was when the three shield characters who were all the same character got kicked out and then snuck in ten seconds later back to the same exact spot so it didn’t matter at all
my favorite part was when the three shield characters who were all the same character got kicked out and then snuck in ten seconds later back to the same exact spot so it didn’t matter at all
i imagine there will be one or two exceptionally coy and humorous lines in the next few films to handle those conundrums
Okay, so then...what do you suppose compels Eminem to choose this specific avenue of art as opposed to something else, if capitalism fuels all of it?
capitalism fuels both sides
capitalism also fuels the opposition, so...
man first defending not telling people you have HIV, now defending cousin-fucking
on his death bed
Okay, so they didn’t do Community. But they did Happy Endings. That’s cool.
this movie goes with Happiest Season into the “one point to make thirty years too late” bin
I said they could be, dummy.
For criticizing her? I have yet to see a better reason. And it was pretty childish of them to grey me out for calling her out.
Hey look to that game’s credit it has a GORGEOUS loading screen before the game I am not really entertained by
If I had to guess it would probably be because I called out their newest clickbait-churner for some problematic shit she did back in the day on Buzzfeed and she whined to her bosses. I thought it was weird when she saved my reply.
The Mandalorian thing? I was grey before that.
This show could have been great if they’d just written the ending ahead of time.
Look at how eagerly you jumped to howl at it.
You know it’s entirely possible that they are both trans and wrong.
Holy fucking shit how BORED are you that you pushed your little onanistic contrarian bent THIS far that you end up, for a lark, defending a fictional serial killer
it’s because i’m anti-skub
or possibly womangry