
I was just wondering if you replied as emphatically and with as much hostility over something that clearly doesn’t matter. You did! Good talk.

In 1991, my mom gave me money to shop at Wet Seal for the upcoming MC Hammer concert as part of his Too Legit Tour. Headlining acts included Boys II Men and TLC.

Yikes... if you knew ANYTHING about doilies, you’d know I’d be crocheting a pattern onto them. Sewing would be a mess.

What are you doing? You aren’t convincing anyone of anything other than that you’re an asshole and probably racist.

just reading all this is exhausting to me. thanks for your efforts, as futile as they currently are in this thread.

It’s people-watching, but with heightened stakes.

I always thought that the “I don’t know her” routine is funny BECAUSE it’s so clear that it’s about her own insecurity.

I have bought more makeup this year than in probably the past five combined. I had been really careful and thrifty for so long and I just... snapped or something.

Many people do! They love her unironically because they relate to her.


I was diagnosed with HPV 16, the high risk cancer causing strain, about 7 years ago. What’s not spoken about much is that one’s cervix will eventually shed the infected cells - so my last pap was totally clear and HPV-free. That’s significantly different than what the vast majority of people with HIV have to contend

You can do both, actually!

I once had an ex boyfriend who drunkenly told me that he thought rape was worse for men than for women.

Why would you ask someone something to only assume that their response is a lie? That’s rather ungenerous of you.

How is JennaD79 talking “behind your back” different than you talking behind PhoneBurnerElmo’s back accusing her of making shit up?

tell me you beat them down with some Cinnabons

there are children starving in the world, there are children becoming collateral damage in wars and you dumb motherfucker are offended by other people being offended so you created an account just to post the same reply over and over. Wow, you’re doing great work in the world.

Tabby has come in and said perhaps she was wrong many, many times before you posted this nasty little bit of hate mail.

Of course men have the right to be offended by a penis cake being presented at work.

Are you okay?