Precarious Proletariat

No one would have known she threw a middle finger at him if he didn’t call attention to it. There was no reason to call that woman a bitch unlesss that’s how you get down. It’s a dark club seriously and he’s probably heard worse. Comedians get heckled by people all of the time and manage to keep the show rolling and

This picture allowed me to tell the story of Harriet Tubman to my daughters (7, 6 and 4). Youngest needs a bit more time, middle had her mouth agape, and the oldest had misty eyes. It moved me too to see these reactions.

That’s where everyone went wrong “paying good money” to see George Lopez. And I’m going to defend her, not because of the fucking joke, but because a man felt that he had every right to denigrate a woman.

Probably backstage laughing, because there’s nothing funnier than a woman being called a bitch by a man to insult her. /s.

So merely standing up & pointing her middle finger is a disruption? How many people would have saw it without him pointing it out? How hard would it have been to just ignore her, instead of calling her a bitch?

Calling her a B* is what set me and I’m sure others off. There are 2 things you don’t do “in a black household”: 1. Call a black woman a B* and 2. Tell her to STFU. He can joke, curse and tell race jokes all day but calling her a B* and telling her to STFU are not good. Where were his black friends?

If a comedian is going to put people down, he should be able to take it when someone puts him down as well. How he treated the woman was not professional. A real comedian would have replied to her antics with a joke, not an insult.

Because its funny to demean women and even funnier to demean women of color and even funnier to demean Black women.

I was confused about how many cheers he was getting when he was berating her after the fact... I thought cheering at a comedy show only happens when something is funny.

Then I remembered that these are folks that paid to see his show.

The joke was racist.

Hanlon’s Razor (“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”) doesn’t account for malicious stupidity.

We should also recognize Phillip Drummond for saving those two children in Harlem from a terrible existence of drugs, gangs, and other hardships associated with living in the inner city.

It seems to me like his game plan was a) troll hard until b) someone took enough offense to do something and then c) kill them. That’s some A-game sociopathy right there.

True, but maybe there is some kinda bad stuff in there, not horrible scandal stuff but the kind of thing you don’t want to release if you don’t have to.

The only response I can think is to my fellow white ladies:

“That’s what they told us they would do, at least. So you read them. You knew of our heartache and desperation.”

I might be coming at this slightly uninformed - but wouldn’t a tax on these goods just be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices for these goods? So, in effect, we’re still paying for the wall out of our own pockets?

“ also serves to create a false division amongst us”