Precarious Proletariat

As a white woman I did not vote for Trump. I do (did) have “friends” and family that voted for Trump. I talked to them for hours, provided information and genuinely tried to figure out why they would vote for such a man. As a result I lost some “friends” and my relationship with some of my Trump voting family is

How so?

27 shot over the weekend? Shooting around a elementary school? Oh my goodness I just cannot wrap my head around it. The absolute disregard for human life is astounding. My heart is breaking for those 2 baby girls. How do so many guns fall into the hands of people who shouldn’t have them? Chicago must do

We cannot trust police officers. We cannot call them for help. There are too many trigger happy, untrained and unqualified officers. How many people have called the police for help and ended up getting shot? Too many. The police do not provide help.. most of the time they arrest or kill the very person that called

Even if she was an asshole ( I am not saying she was) it does not excuse his behavior. He was more than an asshole. He was an arrogant, sexist asshole. When we as a society think its okay for a man to call a woman a bitch in front of an audience (he has the microphone of course) we have failed. The attitude that

You are circling the drain because you just don’t get it and unless you open your mind you never will. It was an offensive, racist and sexist joke. The way George talked to her and treated her was beyond offensive and sexist. Any woman with self respect knows that. And any man that respects women knows that.

I think you have blinders on but of course if that’s what your wife is okay with then it is all good. /s And I am a white woman with Hispanic and Latino family.. Guess what they said lol?

Agreed, the joke shows that some Latino families have no racial tolerance for their family member bringing home a black woman. This very weak joke may have been a slight knock at Latinos racial intolerance, but the joke was really a knock on black women not being worthy to bring home to the family. The prejudice

Agreed fewer guns collectively in Chicago would be helpful. Chicago is in the center of states where gun laws are considerably less strict than laws in Chicago. So how do we stop Indiana, Wisconsin and Mississippi from dropping off firearms in Chicago? Perhaps, we insist on stricter gun laws for the surrounding

Yes, because sexist don’t know any better than to call a woman a bitch. As long as that is true women will be called bitches because of insecure males who don’t know how to communicate without name calling.

“My take is that his joke was not denigrating black women so much as it was denigrating Latino men”.

I find nothing funny about racism or sexism. I know that a lot of comedians use race to make a joke and get a laugh.. that is why I do not go and see them often. If I watch them at home on video and they get racist I stop the video. Some may have a thicker skin when it comes to racist jokes but in this Trump era I

Great article Michael. Spot on. I appreciate your sense of humor while not sugar coating anything. One point I would like to make about gun violence in Chicago - True there are some relaxed gun laws, however, most of the perpetrators of gun violence are not worried about the laws anyway. We need to make it tougher

This woman is a train wreck with chronic diarrhea of the mouth. I don’t know how she can say half the bs she spouts with a straight face.

Wow, ignorance is alive and well at the white house.

Great article and great ideas for this month. I am a white woman and today I posted a quote from Booker T. Washington on my FB page. I watched some of my white friends ‘Like’ then ‘Unlike’ the quote. I think it is because I hash tagged the quote with #BlackHistoryMonth but I cannot be sure. When I asked them about

If any of the documents were harmless they would have already released them. Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Trumps ego is too big not to shove them in our faces if they were harmless.

Melania and her husband need to produce those immigration papers. Melania has also called for Obama’s birth certificate parroting her husband. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it Melania.

Good for you Malia! I am so happy to see Malia getting involved. I am sure the influence of her great mom and dad will motivate her to do great things to protect our environment. Keep it up Malia!

I wonder how many of the poor uneducated whites that receive snap will put 2 and 2 together and figure out they voted for their own demise.. I don’t have a lot of hope that it will be many. Most likely, they will still be blaming Obama.