Judgmental Chickens

Is it bad that my first reaction was “dude, I want that t-shirt?!”

It took forever. Be strong MadScienceTeacher.

I like your style!

As a teacher, I would say that it is warranted in this case. Teachers are often held to a higher moral standard, which is utter bullshit, because we are working with children. A teacher who publicly demonstrates an obvious bias against a group of people is not fit to be an educator.

You just made my night!

As a fellow Tina Fey doppelganger, I totally get it!

I went to school in Sanpete County, so that explains my look in the late 80s. Sadly, the look carried with me during my first few years back in California!

Ha! She wishes she was as cool as me ;-)

I had to explain Glamour Shots to my husband. He was really confused.

It’s not too terrible, but I still remember getting my yearbook and being just devastated. My former step-mother didn’t like the original portraits (I LOVED them) so she made me re-do them. After all that, black splotch.

You are awesome!

My portraits were fine (despite the fact that it was 1990 in podunk Utah) however, in the final yearbook, there was a splotch right below my nose, so it kind of looks as if I have a black booger hanging out my nose. Good times!

I’d much rather have this than the random asshole who pulls out his guitar and starts to serenade, badly. This has happened to me numerous times.

Free Chopper!!! That is so ridiculous. I hope that he is able to get re-certified with a different group!

I found out that my ex had married when I saw an article in the paper. I had a good chuckle and wished her all the best. She’s going to need it!

Did you see when she handed her gum to the reporter by the curtain. I died.

The whole team is fantastic! I love that we can lose key players due to fouls or injury, and STILL keep winning!

I would buy those, but only for camping. Fuck. Now I need them.

As someone who recently completed student teaching may I recommend an amazon card, or office supplies? I got a “teacher supply kit” from a parent and it was the best. It had paper clips, a nice stapler, post-its, scented markers (a classic!) and a gigantic bag of M&Ms.

It is a really fun program! I currently work in a 5/6 blended class. The summer program is a “boot camp” for kids entering kindergarten in the fall. They haven’t had a lot of preschool, and are mostly English Language Learners. It’s kind of fun to go from middle school to the little ones!