
If Ds3 follows suit and focuses on 1 rider I personally would like to see Fury!

Same here lol

I've seen them talking about it online a lot. As long as the rumors and chatter don't stop my hopes stay high!

Same here. I'm not really a multiplayer/co-op type of gamer.

I’ve been following Nordic’s progress with Darksiders and have been cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a third game. I love the first 2. The soundtracks and art styles especially. If it does happen I’ll be a very happy gamer!

Darksiders 3 Darksiders 3. Must have Darksiders 3...

Does anyone know if there is a publicly viewable database of flora and fauna that have been discovered?

Lmao savage

Back in my day we jack hammered with nothing but our hands and a sharpened splintery piece of wood. Up hill. Both ways. And we liked it!

Darksiders 2. Don’t judge me! Lol I love the fuck out of that game. Especially the art work and the story line itself. It’s also the first “rpg” I played after returning from my 15 yr long absence from gaming.

Are you saying you didn't play Call of Duty: Skyrim? For shame...

My point was that he certainly deserves SOME of the blame. But that loss was as a result of the entire teams failures.

Oh, idk. Maybe some of the blame lies on the offense that put up absolutely no points over the period of the ENTIRE GAME?

I use the hell out of Quiet. She’s damn near game breakingly good on certain missions. But I absolutely agree that Kojima’s guilt tripping and saying that we’d be ashamed for being critical when we found out why she was essentially naked was just silly. Her body and it’ are very prominently displayed.

“Reading” is for communists and atheists Jason. Stop trying to push your agenda on me!

lol your comment was not very well thought out

I refuse to explain why watching someone play a game gives other people insight to gameplay. I

Sure. Here’s a list:

Here are a couple thoughts from reading your post above.

Now we need to bombard Kojima and del Torro with ecouragement to collaborate on a horror game!