Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

Wow, guy. First of all... WHAT ARE YOU YELLING ABOUT?

I have a feeling that helmet is part of his daily wardrobe.

Is that a lightswitch at the top of the center stack?

The worlds first attempt at finishing the rally without stopping has been foiled.

Sounds like my kind of rally.

Does this also take into account the angry, short tempered motorists who approach slower drivers at twice the speed of sound and ride their asses only to cause an accident?I see more of that than the actual distracted/slower driver causing the problem.

This video also shows us that the sky is blue, tires will squeal when pushed beyond their limits and that men with no self esteem will state the obvious.

This will serve as a base for when I sell my girlfriends '95 Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight

I'm going to stop this now before anyone tries to say it. No. A girl did not get scalped on the Power Tower at Cedar Point. Done.

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: and high chairs, roads, air, water, glaciers, bears, knitting circles, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates combining to make some sort of giant super robot, and kittens.

Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself" FDR

Hahaha... Detroit is laughing at you, NYC.

I'm genuinely sad that I missed this gem today. I had to drop out after the Jew harpoon and chose the Camaro flashback over the 10 celebrities. That is when work wasn't in the way.

Oh look!