Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

As a Cadillac salesman. I call dibs on the first drive!

I'm watching at work on a DSL connection. (yes, DSL. Thats how out of touch my owner is, there are over 50 computers hooked to this, its the fastest dial up in Rochester) and the video started buffering right when the explosion happened. It looked like the computer screen at the parts counter when ordering parts.

@Scotty_Beezle: Exactly. I'm not riding their ass or getting belligerent and flashing 100 times/leaving the brights on. No need to get all jackassey.

@Jeb_Hoge: I've tried flashing the brights like you're supposed to but that only:

@Shuke: How the hell does that work. I thought Parsecs were a measurement of distance and not speed. So does Han know a shortcut?

Michigan is one of the six states that says you must move if blocking traffic. Obviously not enforced at all.

Rookie Detailer: I got the smudge! I got it!

For their next trick. Volvo will stop children from laughing and all puppies will immediatley have the cuteness stomped out of them by a robot.

"She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself."

"Handy Fire Extinguisher"Just how handy is it? Like under the seat handy or in my hand at the ready with the clip pulled? The latter is probably where I would most likely want it.. It seems they have a knack for "over heating" a bit too much.

Congrats. I'll be pouring one in a glass in your honor and pouring one out for Mr. McQueen.


I schlep these things on a daily basis and the turbo is a blast usually leading to a check being written on the spot. Occasionally its to (former) Audi and BMW owners who are no stranger to maintaining their car. Other times its a former Rendezvous, past gen SRX owner who wants it loaded. These are the people who

How about lawS instead of law?

I see myself moving to Georgia soon.

@NefariousKunk of the diamond star tribe: Ha. True... however there is no booze on Cedar Point. The Fridays and the Famous Daves both have a full bar with no take out license and you can't have beer in line for rides. Which basically means I have to get piss wasted in the parking lot and then go inside. Don't worry, I

@Kotobuki: and Kings Island. The Beast is really bad ass.