Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

@Alphamazing: Killdozer. So awesome you can't get out of it.

"What just happened, did I pop a tire?"


I strip away this list, to show much better cars

@tonyola: Seconded and heart-click.

@erverybody: If the world were a chocolate train with a monkey conductor that farts lollipops, I too would buy the S7 as I would already have a ZR1 in my garage so I need to compliment that with what I am sure is a fine machine.

With todays options in the super car market, one only need to look to a name brand Chevrolet to get everything this car has to offer for less than half the price in ZR1 and as long as the ZR1 is out there ground pounding, nothing else appeals to me.

"towards the end they weren't even Saturns but Opels"

There is a joke about promises from both GM and Penske importing nice European steel and then not following through. I just can't find it.

@pauljones: I just went out and did a shot on the hood of my Aura, another for you and then 5 more for the guys I used to work with.

This new lead off picture is much better than the last.

I go on a roller coaster binge for two days and come home to find that Toyota floor mats are killing people. My first thought was awesome, this story will be better than the movie "Deathbed: The Bed That Eats People" but its not better... not better at all.

"Pretty please? One of the teams has to be heroically defeated by Derek Jeter next week, so you might as well get to know them now."

Congrats Mr. Plushvolvoisaesome.

We like to cancel out one embarrassment with another here.

@P161911: @jodark: 5 year statute of limitations on tickets in Ohio which I should be free and clear of next June. As soon as I got the ticket I conferred with my old company's lawyer, he spoke of a Michigan/Ohio law regarding tickets. If I get a ticket there, it does not reflect on my record here in Michigan. At

I thought crash week was great. My neighbor however took it literally. He ran into my car last Saturday ripping off the bumper.. it spends crash week in the body shop and I get to pick up tonight. Irony or just a coincidental bummer?

If you want to avoid being time checked on the Ohio Turnpike approach the booth with correct change. I usually approach, smile and say in a very friendly voice " He there, this should be it." The person running the booth will 9 times out of 10 tell me thats it before entering the ticket and I'm out of there before