Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

Are you sure these are not just a bunch of landau tops?

@mr_dude: You know, the ball would actually be a great distraction and keep narcing neighbors silent. You know what kind of crap people get away with in neighborhoods without the cops being called? Spud guns, illegal fireworks, gun shootin etc. usually attract the neighbors to come and watch.. We could easily get

@mr_dude: My Aura is kind of stub nosed. I'll bunt.

@mr_dude: I'm down. What we need is something with a very low front end. Any suggestions?

Going for nice price on this one. Has the Magic Door Gate we discussed last week, a Rear facing seat and the vinyl seems like its in good shape. $1,500 is very reasonable.

@Ruthless, If you let me: I did not see Scroggs' post. But it was a good one. I was doing some work today and Jalopnik was not available. iO9 for the win.

Here ya go. Congrats.

Hey look at that! Carhenge is on the [] homepage.

Congratulations. That was a great comment and very true. I drink one in honor of you tonight.

I don't know whether or not I should tell my friends about this. I'm sure you suffered the same amount of confusion before submitting it to Ray who you knew would give this the go.

@Mark Arnold: Yep. Then it was printed on extra big paper size. When finished it was meticulously cut and plastered to make the greatest garage door ever.

@pauljones: Khaki Shorts with matching color shirt and sandals. I thought that was the VW Driver not the Pilot.

@pauljones: I've never wanted to grab a sixer and hang out in anyones front lawn so badly in my life.

It should have been a Jag. Coventry is a strategic target for the new Volkswagon Reich.

@pauljones: No... say it won't be... Whats next... Japanese transmissions mated to Canadian engines and assembled to the car in Mexico? Never gonna happen.

So VW wants to dominate U.S. Sales but they can't even dodge a Piper. Silly Germans.