Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

They say deaths come in three at a time. Leave it to Billy to throw one in absolutely free.

While Women are encouraged to apply, they will sadly only get to post once if hired.

San Francisco and Ping Pong balls. There is a joke in there somewhere.

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: Its a Nissan. The very second he puts it into drive without checking the mirrors first, he voids the warranty. Thus making him pay a whole lot of money for a rounded version of a Scion.

@Saboth: Even Ford men like noise. I'd say a Toyota man.

That is 300 points worth of Jalop right there 150 for the rig and 150 for listening to S.O.D.

Fun Fact! Pick up the 2008 Saturn Vue dealer brochure. About 7 pages in you will see a designer working at a table. One of the drawings shows a patrial of this interior on a set of designer drawings.

The very beginnings of NASCAR.

This is where they screwed up by euthanizing Barbaro. He would have been a champ.

I think that is a stock shot of the Camaro in Royal Oak. When the RS blocked traffic and the ZR1 behind it garnered little attention during !%#$ing rush hour.

@Pete Gaines: Taxi cabs and lunch trucks? oh... I get it.

@Hoser Dave: All this Tweeting is making me thirsty, I think I'll have a Tab.

Why is Steve Martin showing him how to use Twitter?

"Want to ride in Jill Hanner's Fiesta Movement Euro-spec Ford and be in a Joan Rivers video?"

@pauljones: Jill Wagner and Kate Walsh all the way. Heidi Klum though is married to Seal, so she will give just about anyone the time of day.

Kim Catrell, she is that woman from that show about 3 hookers and their mom, right?