Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

I'm in the Allison parking lot getting smashed. There is a race going on today? I thought these christians were yelling at me for drinking.

Ahhh... Michigan seniors and their hilarious car graffiti.

California can't sink. We lose Alameda (thats where the nuclear wessels are) and virtually all of DOTS. Don't wanna lose Murilee either. I hear she is hot.

I work at a leather/sex shop in Royal Oak from time to time. Most fetishes don't even phase me anymore. Driving a Sebring though is fucking disgusting.

Gonna go get a nice Zed-06 on the cheap.

Oh boy. I'm gonna have to have a long sit on the chesterfield, maybe sip a glass of rye and ginger while I mull this over, eh.

Needs new Axel Tongue.

I always thought they just showed the hood the engine. Then the engine gets all scared and says "f' that" and pops the bulge.

A coworker says she parks like that all the time.

Oh look. The nineties and Van Halen's "Right Now" finally made it to Germany.

Kind of the theme of the week around here. BMW drivers parking like assholes.

Damn shame.

@threefiveseven: yeah, like that. What gives

Bad idea killing the Cobalt SS coupe. It was some of the most fun i have had.

Oh, thank god.. I thought we were gonna see White Power go into action.

I was hit by a drunk driver.. I don't mean drunk at .09, I mean drunk to the point the police didn't know how she got her key in the ignition.

Congrats. In the tradition of Cinco De Mayo, I'm gonna drink some Tennessee Whiskey for you.

Soooo... just teens or anyone?

Corvettes do it without the wing.

This Porsche vs. Nissan thing is staring to get out of hand.