
kinja, cause its terrible

This comment is what is wrong with the US.

and why isn’t there a damn list printed here

if that is the answer than this is a HORRIBLE riddle:

This. Given the very limited information given (and the demonstrated variation in manual-gearshift patterns), 6 is a perfectly rational answer. Unless the riddle is basically “what is the 2nd-best answer to this diagram, assuming the best answer is 6”. But from the article, I don’t get the impression that “not 6” is

but for me R is up and to the left.

The answer is 6. At least for me anyway.

I see your point, but in other countries, police are not trained to shoot to kill the way that police officers in the US are and they all seem to manage crime just fine. No one’s saying “Don’t shoot the bad guy with the gun.” But once in the arm to disable him and/or the weapon is different from 10+ times throughout

you do see that 99% of the people shot were committing violent felonies at the time right? stop sensationalizing stuff like this and focus on the more important fact that these people show a disregard for authority and other human life - and that is the reason they are getting shot. The MEDIA keeps telling people it’s

Rooftop are so over rated.

I know that it’s dumb, but I really hate it when computer programs are called apps. Apps are for phones and tablets, programs are for computers.

You’re a douche.

Transmission / Transmission Qt

rutorrent from a seedbox. Love it!!! Does everything it needs to

For women, get off your duffs and ask the guy out. They’re waiting, too. It is after all 2015. Don’t just sit there and be a lump and end up waiting. At the very least, try to meet him halfway.

It’s easy for women to give advice on this, but they’re not usually on the receiving end of a rejection— which is damn hard on

