
So what the headline should actually say is "Free speech doesnt mean you dont suffer consequences" because Im pretty sure I can still say whatever the hell I want on the internet

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Exclusive footage of David Cohen saying the above:

Your silly. These are not abandon. Look they made a grave yard out of this one.

I own a breakmate currently, they are actually very reliable with only a few parts that need occasional servicing. The problem with the machines is that the small syrup containers and the proprietary CO2 Bottles. Both of these can be fixed in a home environment (refillable Syrup containers and external CO2 Tanks) I

Now playing

You are incorrect. Bell's is from Scotland, which makes it a whisky. The rule is actually pretty simple: If it comes from a country with an E in the name (Ireland or the United States), it's whiskey, but if it comes from a country without an E (Scotland or Canada) it's whisky.

A Ferrari logo on a fire extinguisher only makes me think the extinguisher will also somehow catch fire itself.

I've been playing burnout for over a decade. its called destruction derby. >_>

To get the control and options out of their phone that should exist out of the box?


What I really want is options. Something like this:

In Summary:

It's also interesting to note that this research was done specifically to help develop a robot that can take orders and distinguish between people who wanted to order and those that didn't.

Next up: Ten Best Nascar Circuits!

"There is no removable battery, expandable memory, or IR blaster on the Nexus 5."

The response team is probably like a pit crew: everyone has a specified task. Those blanket-holding people were just doing the task assigned to them.