

Yes, we were behind everything. But there were so so many others involved. Writers Eric Ozawa, John Marckesano, Danny Homan, and Shani Boianjiu helped develop the characters and various storylines. Photographer, Frej Hedenberg, cinematographer, Daniel Leeb and illustrator Anna Rusakova were also hugely influential in

Junko is mostly Patrick’s thing; I got involved just before the web-based stuff launched. The CNET story from last year lays out most of the history there. As for Ad Arcana Tutanda, I won’t reveal his identity, save to say that Googling his name is a meaningful thing to do.

One of the most depressing shows I have watched is also one of the greatest. Attack on Titan is many things at once:

Nice very handy chart for us europeans, got myself 3 days of work to watch this stuff in the middle of the night :)