Finally I’ll be able to watch an E3 conference live! Hope the Nintendo Digital Event will be streamed live too :)
Finally I’ll be able to watch an E3 conference live! Hope the Nintendo Digital Event will be streamed live too :)
So were Auten and Marckesano behind Junko Junsui too? And what about the guy telling people to keep off the game, was he in on this too? I need answers!!!
Haha so many easter eggs! Love it!
Totally hyped for this! Hope it delivers! The spatialized audio is awesome!
I remember in on of the DBZ episodes Vegeta saying that due to the fighter nature of the Saiyan race, they age slower and their hair doesn’t grow (much). DBGT Vegeta doesn’t abide by this, so from this, can we conclude that GT isn’t canon?
Thanks for your reply! Sure sounds interesting! I’m curious about how your mindset leans more towards the “creator” side. Do you suggest/participate in improvements for games, which are taken seriously or should those suggestions be made by a wider public?
So how is your job like? A dream come true? Or a repetitive, tedious one in the long run? How long have you been a tester anyway? And is it lucrative enough or you have a side-job as well?
Definitely overdoing it and desperately looking to start a hype. They shouldn’t have abused the memes. I couldn’t stand watching it too —’
“As seems to be the ever increasing trend of live-action adaptations of popular manga/anime [...]”
Does the fact that no one reported this for 2 years suggest that people did abide by the:
I don’t understand all this ‘Comic-Sans-the-most-hated-font-ever’ thing. The name says it all, use it to get a comic feel. Use it to anything that relates to comic or that implies so. Simple, right?
Today, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima tweeted [...]
Hmmm, this somehow reminds me of the amazing 2.5D manga featured earlier... Does it make this one a 2.5D or 3.5D anime???
I hope this is no late April Fools ‘coz this made my day. #EXCITED #HAPPY #CRAZY!!!
This Kojimagate is getting more and more mysterious...
I see the Doom-like but not the Rogue-like parts.
[...] the best anime I have ever seen.
if... This was no April’s fool...
good! At this rate, we might get to see the movie in our lifetime!
So these guys are PG?