seriously? I thought it was a re-edition of some kind... now that I look at it again, the cover does look kinda old...
seriously? I thought it was a re-edition of some kind... now that I look at it again, the cover does look kinda old...
Awesome art! I've always wanted to make Metal Gear characters into easier to draw characters. The artist has done the job neatly!
Why do most UFO sightings happen in US?
Thanks for suggesting Sorcery! It looks awesome! Reminds me of LoneWolfDS, an awesome homebrew game for the NDS!
Is this a step to bring 'hardcore gaming' to 'casual gamers'?
Is this even called cosplaying? If so, he's cosplaying as... a movie poster!?
The guy in red walking by looks like:
Awesome birthday gift! The Dragon Ball Z series has really become a legend, being passed on from generation to generation!
I wouldn't say the Virtual Boy 'failed on all levels'... It had a pretty cool controller!
One of the best cosplays. Totally fits in the role!
If they make an Attack on Titan movie, he should get the role for Dot Pixis!
No Akira Toriyama desk? Maybe it's a Capsule...
Scorpion's actions perfectly suit the 'drunk' attitude in those paintings! Good job!
You said it!
So it's basically a FPS Zelda...
Guys, this is just Kojima's way of preparing us for next-gen. Just like Ground Zeroes is a bridging step towards open world MGS, so is it to make us feel next-gen visually... I s'pose!
Solution? Make video game characters' action figures!!!