
Yeah, Beth and Jerry very much need to get a divorce. I was actively annoyed when the Marriage Counseling episode tried to suggest they should stay together (though even then they kind of walked it back). It's not healthy! Yes, I realize that's part of the comedy! But if the arc of the show is about Rick slowly

"The Purge" seems like it was almost certainly inspired by "Return of the Archons" in the first place. That's an episode that's had a weirdly significant influence on pop culture, even though it doesn't get mentioned that often. There was also that Season 4 Angel storyline with Jasmine and the movie The World's End,

One of the major ideas of the book is that a world in which the Axis won is disturbingly similar to our world. Among other things, the whole novel takes place in Japanese, not Nazi, territory, so the Nazis are basically a background detail. Atrocities have happened and are happening…but far away, in a place that

I don't actually have a problem with infodumping per se. My problem with infodumping in GotG is that it's used either to provide characterization or fill in plot stuff that we probably should have seen *on screen*. If you trimmed out that explanatory infodump about Ronan near the beginning he'd have literally nothing

The thing is, it feels a bit like the Wachowskis have become easy targets for a certain breed of movie commentator—someone(s) that you can always kick for a few easy cool points. It's not that their movies aren't flawed and don't have deficiencies worth commenting on, but when you compare it to a lot of junk that gets

JA is the worst thing the Wachowskis have done in some time but it's still roughly on par with a lot of other CGI spectacles we're regularly fed from Hollywood, but with weirder ideas. So as always with the Wachowskis it kind of seems like they're being picked on unfairly.

Yeah, I'm really not sure where Rabin is getting "Cloud Atlas has no rabid fans" from. It sure as hell does, and in a few more years I think it's going to have attained long-lasting cult status.

I meant, a link to Moore talking about Morrison in an older interview. Like, from when his career first began.

Also, let's be clear here: Moore's interview was 15,000 words long, in which he ranged over a vast range of topics, including, yes, his various critics. He did not spend 15,000 words discussing Morrison.

Do you have any links? Everything I've ever seen on the subject has come from Morrison's end, and a few other people have said the same thing I did, that Moore doesn't usually acknowledge Morrison…

OK but…Moore is actually pretty famous for NOT responding to Morrison's bait (and he has been baiting him pretty unrelentingly for two decades or more). He gave an interview within the last year in which he finally acknowledged Morrison's presence, but it was nothing like the epic smackdown you might be expecting.

I'm on deadline right now so I've been (sigh) binge-watching some old faves on Netflix while I work, and I ran through a big chunk of Futurama in the last few days. One thing I've noticed is that the musical choices get pretty obscure and quirky, in a good way, as the show gets past the early seasons. (Hey, when did

Haha! I am the greetest!
Now I must leave for no raisin!

What's funny about the sewer mutant reveal (which evidence seems to reinforce was planned from the start—and I remember seeing the early promo art for Futurama, thinking "Oh, one of the characters is a mutant girl" and being disappointed that she was an alien, because I hate "almost-human" aliens, especially given the

(Cough) Truman, not Eisenhower. <takes off="" nerd="" glasses="">

Yeah, the knock is probably aimed at the show-within-the-movie, not the movie itself.
And yes, it's interesting that in the time since the movie was made, TV's supposed default setting has switched from "comforting and cosy" to "edgy and shocking" (not that it was ever that simplistically true). Time for a reboot!

No I'm…doesn't.

Weir's presence on this list is baffling. The closest thing he's made to a big blockbuster is Master and Commander, which was meant to be a franchise, true, but it's still a great movie, not a generic slab of corporate product.

(Puts on nerd glasses) UM AC-tually, the microcivilization would be able to hear Bender in the void of space because sound would travel through him.

"I'm proud to be the shepherd of this flock of sharks" is one of Futurama's all time best lines. Capitalism in a nutshell.