
Yeah, I'm really not crazy about Peralta and Santiago being paired up either. If nothing else, it's pretty tired. Just as Parks & Rec goes further off-track when it starts to focus too much on romantic entanglements (and why marrying off so many of the characters was a smart move) instead of the politics and

I think they're related, though. They're the two sides of his creepy, obsessive personality—stalkerishness when the girl isn't interested, going overboard with "romance" when she is.

Wow, thanks for the breakdown, TMIAD. I have to admit, the last few years (and this series of reviews) have definitely gotten me a bit curious about the post-Nemesis, non-Abrams Trek era, which I guess boils down to the books and STOnline. When I was a kid reading the Trek novels they tended to be a little

See, I'm going to be rewatching S7 fairly soon, but it seems to me that having Bashir and Ezri hook up COULD have been handled well. It's not so much the typical "keep hitting on a girl who's out of your league and eventually she'll cave" (or, I guess, "eventually she'll be killed and come back in a new body") so much


And then it happens again to the next generation, and the next, and the next…


The Orcs are, unfortunately, described as "swarthy" and "slant-eyed" in the books, and rather more disturbingly, the Scouring of the Shire sequence (which features men who are apparently part Orc taking over the Shire) plays out rather as an old-man rant against immagunts moving into the neighbourhood.


While I'd probably be a little annoyed if I reread Q-Squared now (at the time I was more a TNG nerd and hadn't seen much of the original show) at how convoluted it was and how it tried to reduce EVERY godlike being in the Trekverse to Qs, I don't have any problem whatsoever with making the Squire of Gothos a

What's interesting about that interpretation is that it suggests that Laas is, from our perspective, in the right, that Odo is suppressing his true nature by being with a girl instead of joining the link. Which means his supposed love for Kira is basically just a beard. Well, I'm sure he loves her, it's just the

I always thought Inter Arma was considered part of the 10-part finale arc, but Netflix tells me otherwise and that it's only a 9-part arc. So…I dunno.

It's not that I wanted her to have racial slurs tossed at her in every scene. Obviously there were well-to-do black people even in that time period, nothing we see in that episode is actually impossible. It's just weird that there's literally nothing to acknowledge it, even subtly, through the performances or

I always thought TNG had kind of gone off the rails in terms of racial discussion when they went back in time, met Guinan in the 19th century, and no one seemed to care that she was (apparently) African-American. I know they wanted the show to be post-racial and didn't want to spend a lot of time portraying racism or

I agree, it's something else that makes DS9 feel like the most mature and self-aware of the Star Trek shows—as with many other aspects of Trek's utopia, they don't deny the post-racial aspect, but they give a good hard look at it. Trek does sometimes feel like it's shot past a laudable post-racial future and into the

Is that actually established? I knew Uhura was supposed to be from Africa but this is literally the first I've heard of Geordi being Somalian (!) He's so overtly American to me.

So, any indication of what this show is actually, y'know, about?

You really have to Sif through these threads to get to the good stuff.

It's insane how much talent there was on The Dana Carvey Show, considering that it's barely remembered today, and not usually held up as a classic by those that do remember.