
If Mantlo is indeed making money from this movie, it'll be kind of strange, since seemingly everyone else who worked for DC and Marvel until about 1989 has been screwed out of the massive profits their creations have made in movie form. There are weird exceptions, too, like the fact that Len Wein has apparently been

…You're aware he's been on TV a lot before this, right? And he's "sabotaged" his way into the most prestigious job in the talk show game?

So has there been a discussion of how Leno's going to sabotage Fallon and reclaim his hosting spot THIS time?

The 7th season of DS9 features a (very gentle) decline in quality, mostly because of their overreliance on the Hero's Journey stuff and some stumbling over how to handle Ezri and her relationship to the other characters. And Vic Fontaine. But episodes like these remind me of how the show was still very good, and how

We're talking about a series where they keep jumping forward in time to meet the "descendants" of the main characters even though they always seem to die without having any children. I don't think the continuity of history is really a major concern for them.

I know Gus took over for Tuco (which was probably inevitable—it's impossible to believe a character that volatile would have stuck around for very long anyway) but who was Mike replacing?

I honestly think the Boyle-Diaz thing is a bit of a dud. It's not that it hasn't been funny at all but I don't see where they can go from there. And it's constantly in danger of making him look like an unappealing creep.

Well, in terms of the other tribes being subject to the fall, the same question comes up in regards to all the other living beings on the planet, so there's that. The "Noah family surviving the flood" thing is essentially the same argument—maybe non-Semitic peoples were classified as "animals" that went into the Ark

Alternate explanation: it's common among primitive tribes to view themselves as the only real "humans" on Earth—they tend to give themselves names that mean "the people", frequently slaughter or otherwise mistreat other tribes while being very loving and compassionate to their own, etc. The Jews of the early books of

Speaking of sitcoms, I've become a little bothered by Parks & Recreation and the way the characters seem to be constantly falling backwards into high-paying, respectable jobs. Granted they (well, some of them) have pretty good resumes and might be in demand, but it seems like they can constantly leave their jobs on a

Supernatural, rather frustratingly, ransacked American Gods and Sandman for a lot of its ideas already…though nowhere near as effectively.

Oddly enough, I always thought of Paul Newman. Partly because of The Sting/The Colour of Money. He's just an immortal version of that.

Anansi's supposed to be an old man. This is really weird casting.

I thought Gaiman specifically identified Shadow as being 33 years old (GET IT?!?) The dude HAS been in jail for a significant stretch, you'd figure he wouldn't be a total greenhorn.

THANK you. P&R stumbled in S5, it's true, but it's recovered a lot this season.

I KNEW someone was going to say that.

Actually most of the major races, including Vulcans and Bajorans, do seem to have different skin colours that somehow match up exactly with the various races on Earth, so that doesn't really fly.

Yeah, OK, but come on, it's not like they had either Jadzia or Ezri lounging around half-naked to attract the male fanbase. If anything, no offense intended to De Boer but she looks more like a regular person on the "attractive" end of the scale, as opposed to Farrell, who looks like a supermodel. In fact, DS9 was

Justin Long's character in Galaxy Quest seemed kind of farfetched when I first saw it, having bailed on Trek for a few years at that point. Then a few weeks later I stumbled across a Trek message board and was reminded that, yes, there are people who take Treknobabble really REALLY seriously.

I actually liked the explanation for why Denise Crosby was back; it's the kind of thing where you realize that they've built on pieces that had been quietly dropped into place for a while (and even the writers probably didn't realize it at the time). Plus it opened the door to creating a new, solid villain for TNG if