
The sexy Red Sonja-esque Viking lady in the second segment may have seen the first stirrings of my adolescence.

I don't know if I've seen the special, but the comic (well, prose) version of Babes and Bullets was actually pretty damn funny when I was a kid. "Are you Spayed?" "I never know how to answer that question."

Glad someone remembers Halloween Is Grinch Night. The Seuss specials by Chuck Jones have sadly faded from cultural memory, aside from How The Grinch Stole Christmas, which is weird because you'd think the prominence of that one would lead to everyone remembering the others, as with the Rankin-Bass and Peanuts

Yeah, I was Garfield-obsessed as a kid, which is weirdly embarrassing now. Not because Garfield is BAD, exactly, but because it's so vanilla. You want to be able to boast you were into weird, quirky, culty stuff as a kid and were bored by standard kid's fare, but nope. I watched all the Garfield specials about a dozen

It's been a while since I saw "Redrum", but I don't think the first two-thirds are pointless at all. They're allowing Morton to retroactively "solve" the murder before it happens from his perspective (not that it required brilliant detective work, but he's having to figure out what the hell is happening to him at the

Yep, when Memento came out I was all, "Hey, this is like that X-Files episode." Just like when Groundhog Day came out I was all, "Hey, this is just like that ST:TNG episode."

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus , I'd argue that if you're a Burroughs fan you'll find more to like. If you haven't read the books it may seem like a lot of stuff you've seen before, just because John Carter's been ripped off so frequently over the last century by everyone else.

Damn. Did he give any particular reason? I mean, I can see why he wouldn't want to go back to, say, Supreme, but with Halo Jones it's a decade-spanning saga—it would seem perfectly ripe for more installments written 30 years later.

Was Nextwave after that? Because dude. Nextwave.

Moore's maybe not a "futurist" (which suggests someone trying painfully to be hip, which Ellis often is) but his work shows an engagement with science and technology. Tom Strong is the most obvious example, but whenever he writes about aliens and SF stuff its clear he's highly conversant in the genre, at least.

Oliver Sava is totally in a position to call people out for clunky writing. Just like he's in a position to call Sex Criminals out for being juvenile in the same review where he feels the need to point out that the Image comics logo looks like a vagina.

Tell me where I can sign up to never have to read Oliver Sava talking about sexual anatomy again, please. KTHXBYE.

Oliver Sava is totally in my face!

I'd actually like to see Doktor Sleepless get finished now that Planetary finally wrapped up.

How hilarious is it that "Red" of all things is what made him the most money after 20 years of churning out comics that were ripe for being turned into movies and TV shows? I would have bet on "Transmetropolitan" myself. And "Global Frequency" almost happened, but not quite. Still should though!

I guarantee, 100%, that there are network executives fighting VERY hard to keep superpowers and costumes out of the show. It's too far from what they're used to, and never mind that we're supposed to be drawing from a monstrously successful series of movies here—that's a different medium. Network executives only know

@avclub-c98ef9c7736abd148cbdbd858f62b151:disqus , c'mon, seriously? The Dollhouse pilot? That thing was awful. The show got good eventually, but yuck.

No joke: I'm pretty sure that having such a big, bland cast (while fricking Ron Glass and J. August Richards are sidelined) is a sign that at least one of them is getting offed before the first season is over. My money's on one of Fitz and/or Simmons, but yeah, actually, killing off Ward could really work—he's sort of

The thing is…didn't Ridley Scott work on Doctor Who (if not this particular serial)? And the production design is awfully similar in a few points, if much cheaper. If this didn't influence Alien, there are an awful lot of coincidences involved.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus : Star Trek: The Motion Picture almost killed the franchise. That's a dodgy basis for criticism, since it's more about popularity than quality.