
Hmm, well, I'm on a different page than you guys, I guess. (Breaking Bad spoilers?)

He's a good actor, but sometimes he tips over into goofiness. I'm thinking of his enraptured description of shapeshifting after he meets up with the Great Link for the first time at the end of S2. The guy seems a second away from saying "Oooooh, it was positively DELIGHTFUL!" and squeeing.

Not THAT much more than before, I think, but since the interviews are often skippable to me (Colbert's gotten a lot better as an interviewer, but he's usually too busy doing schtick to get interesting discussions going), it hardly makes a difference to me whether it's an interview or a musical performance that ends

I thought "Little Green Men" seemed to establish that universal translators are in your ears, or even in your head (as implants?)

Breaking Bad is unusual in that it really, really works as one gigantic story with only the occasional "standalone" like "Two Days Out" and "Fly". (And I don't get the dislike for BB's first two seasons. I think they're great, really tight storytelling.) But most hyper-serialized shows would definitely benefit by

As I've said for a while now, for all that we tend to think of Trek as glorifying bureaucracy and orderly structure almost to the point of "benign communism", Starfleet and the Federation are obstacles or even villains to the lead characters in an awful lot of TOS and DS9 episodes. Even TNG went to that well a few

Yup. And even early DS9 had Odo saying stupid shit like "I'll be watching you like a Thoraxian hawk" or whatever. They may as well have had the characters add "space" to everything. "I'm going to the space-cafe for star-breakfast before I go to astro-work"

No, nowadays, given the state of Trek, the whole sorry business would be solved by Sisko throwing him into a black hole and Eddington giving a last minute speech declaring himself to be PURE EVIL so it's OK that you're killing him, really…

Oooooh, shit is going DOWN next week on two fronts. "In Purgatory's Shadow" actually had me yelling "HOLY SHIT" at the TV, which is something I never do.

I'm still enjoying the show a lot (people are "giving up" on it? Really? Come ON, people, this isn't Community, it's still solid) but I agree, "It's just a fucking sitcom" should never be an excuse for mediocrity.

My favourite bit of the time capsule episode was when they cut back to the meeting and their proposal had ballooned to at least seven different capsules, all of them containing different material. "No, the remains of childhood pets are in capsule 5…"

Parks and Recreation is the best fantasy show of all time. It's set in a bizarre world where one woman's optimism and can-do attitude can make a difference in government, libertarians aren't assholes, and people of wildly different political beliefs can work together as friends.

I do find it hilarious that people are complaining about "stakes" when the whole central joke of the series is that the stakes are so ridiculously low all the time. We only care because Leslie cares.

It's definitely true that they can't just have Leslie run for mayor now, since they'd just be rehashing the election storyline, and yet her gradual ascendancy is so obviously where the show is inevitably heading.

Geez, I had no idea that the Parks & Rec threads were this full of internet cosplayers.

Nice try, but OBVIOUSLY a LEGITIMATE porn version would be called Game of Bones.


Heh, yeah. When they list it as a "type L planet" you assume "barely habitable" (or, strictly speaking, probably not even habitable by Trek standards, since the desert planet in the episode where Picard and Wesley crash was "Type M—barely".) I'm assuming the script called for an arctic wasteland.

"You may have locusts

Are you sure? Don't we see them again in a later DS9 episode?