
While you may be technically correct, I'm scanning imdb and this season has a VERY strong run of episodes—only a couple I remember being duds, and most being at least "good". I guess the classics are technically separated by an episode or two, but everything up to "Two Fathers/One Son" is good to great (and I'm not

While you may be technically correct, I'm scanning imdb and this season has a VERY strong run of episodes—only a couple I remember being duds, and most being at least "good". I guess the classics are technically separated by an episode or two, but everything up to "Two Fathers/One Son" is good to great (and I'm not

The episode "Hungry" from, I believe, Season 7, was a high concept episode that I thought worked beautifully. For me, THAT was the last great, ambitious episode.

The episode "Hungry" from, I believe, Season 7, was a high concept episode that I thought worked beautifully. For me, THAT was the last great, ambitious episode.

As cheesy as it was I kind of missed episodes like "Infection" in the later run of the show, episodes where the characters encountered new, ALIEN life forms. That's something B5 was really not very good at—even when they started hunting for the Elder Ones or whatever they were called the results were…less than

As cheesy as it was I kind of missed episodes like "Infection" in the later run of the show, episodes where the characters encountered new, ALIEN life forms. That's something B5 was really not very good at—even when they started hunting for the Elder Ones or whatever they were called the results were…less than

Speaking of which, it seems like Bashir's character was intended as a bit of a poke at the goody-two-shoes idealism of the Federation, and how annoying it can be. The fact that he was portrayed somewhat satirically from the beginning shows to me that the writers had probably always intended to push back against

Speaking of which, it seems like Bashir's character was intended as a bit of a poke at the goody-two-shoes idealism of the Federation, and how annoying it can be. The fact that he was portrayed somewhat satirically from the beginning shows to me that the writers had probably always intended to push back against

All of those are real places, BTW.

All of those are real places, BTW.

Like Elvis-o-rama
The Tupperware Museum
The Boll Weevil Monument
and Cranberry World
The Shuffleboard Hall of Fame
Poodle Dog Rock
And the Mecca of Albino Squirrels

Like Elvis-o-rama
The Tupperware Museum
The Boll Weevil Monument
and Cranberry World
The Shuffleboard Hall of Fame
Poodle Dog Rock
And the Mecca of Albino Squirrels

He was on his way out the door at DC when he made those comments. And I'm sorry, but if you find out your employer is doing unethical stuff, it is your moral responsibility to speak up. What I don't get is why you're so fucking furious at the guy for taking a stand and having some actual courage. Unless you work for

He was on his way out the door at DC when he made those comments. And I'm sorry, but if you find out your employer is doing unethical stuff, it is your moral responsibility to speak up. What I don't get is why you're so fucking furious at the guy for taking a stand and having some actual courage. Unless you work for

…What are you talking about? Roberson made a specific decision not to work with DC anymore over this issue. He wasn't fired. He took an ethical stand. And that's a big deal considering that 99% of the money in the comics industry is at DC and Marvel—it's very hard to make money as a comics writer without working for

…What are you talking about? Roberson made a specific decision not to work with DC anymore over this issue. He wasn't fired. He took an ethical stand. And that's a big deal considering that 99% of the money in the comics industry is at DC and Marvel—it's very hard to make money as a comics writer without working for

I would cite JMS as the weakest writer on the project, frankly. I don't think he's ever risen above "mediocre" in his comic work (I'm not going to get into my issues on Babylon 5) and a lot of what he's done has been actively bad. And it's not helped by his habit of losing interest and wandering away in the middle of

I would cite JMS as the weakest writer on the project, frankly. I don't think he's ever risen above "mediocre" in his comic work (I'm not going to get into my issues on Babylon 5) and a lot of what he's done has been actively bad. And it's not helped by his habit of losing interest and wandering away in the middle of

The feature for contrarian opinions at the AV Club is called "Down is Up". There's only been a couple of them so far.

The feature for contrarian opinions at the AV Club is called "Down is Up". There's only been a couple of them so far.