
Lupin Addams , Game changing? I dunno…I feel like Trek never had a problem acknowledging the diversity of HUMAN civilization. It was the aliens who always seemed to have simplistic monocultures, a problem that that B5 scene exacerbates rather than resolving. (And it's not like humanity, on B5, wasn't largely made up

Lupin Addams , Game changing? I dunno…I feel like Trek never had a problem acknowledging the diversity of HUMAN civilization. It was the aliens who always seemed to have simplistic monocultures, a problem that that B5 scene exacerbates rather than resolving. (And it's not like humanity, on B5, wasn't largely made up

Yeah, but then at one point you meet the Emperor—two of them, actually—and neither of them have the accent. I think it's pretty clear that the one actor who played Lord Reefer took the trouble to imitate Jurasik's accent, and the other Centauri actors…didn't. Seems kind of sloppy on the showrunner's part.

Yeah, but then at one point you meet the Emperor—two of them, actually—and neither of them have the accent. I think it's pretty clear that the one actor who played Lord Reefer took the trouble to imitate Jurasik's accent, and the other Centauri actors…didn't. Seems kind of sloppy on the showrunner's part.

Man, the accents. That's a great example of how the show got into trouble by putting just enough work into something to make it problematic, when just saying "a wizard did it" would probably have gone down easier. Having the aliens speak CONSISTENTLY with accents would have been a great move, but the way that they

Man, the accents. That's a great example of how the show got into trouble by putting just enough work into something to make it problematic, when just saying "a wizard did it" would probably have gone down easier. Having the aliens speak CONSISTENTLY with accents would have been a great move, but the way that they

OK, to be clear here: I'm not coming in to deliberately tear a hole in the show and be obnoxious. I want to talk about this show because it's legitimately interesting and a significant milestone in geek pop culture. It's just that, after reading thee pages of largely unmitigated praise for the show (overall) from the

OK, to be clear here: I'm not coming in to deliberately tear a hole in the show and be obnoxious. I want to talk about this show because it's legitimately interesting and a significant milestone in geek pop culture. It's just that, after reading thee pages of largely unmitigated praise for the show (overall) from the

Well, the bizarre, airless, inhuman relationships depicted on this show aren't so bad in and of themselves—as mentioned, Trek was hugely guilty of this as well—but there are some points where the ideology of the show takes a bit of a dark turn, which makes everything seem less harmlessly cheesy. It's admittedly

Or, alternately, to occasionally comment on a message board to have a reasonable disagreement with people who are rapturously overpraising a show. You know, the thing comment threads are for.

Or, alternately, to occasionally comment on a message board to have a reasonable disagreement with people who are rapturously overpraising a show. You know, the thing comment threads are for.

Well awesome. I want to have a reasonable discussion about this stuff. I just think the incredible praise I'm reading for this show seems incredibly out of control. It's an often interesting but not particularly good series.

Well awesome. I want to have a reasonable discussion about this stuff. I just think the incredible praise I'm reading for this show seems incredibly out of control. It's an often interesting but not particularly good series.

Not trying to be a troll. I think there's a ton about this show that makes it worth discussing. I just tend to come down on the idea that it's not generally that good.

Not trying to be a troll. I think there's a ton about this show that makes it worth discussing. I just tend to come down on the idea that it's not generally that good.

You need to watch a LOT more TV. 

You need to watch a LOT more TV. 

Hi, I'm Prankster. I'll be the naysayer-in-residence for as long as this show is being recapped here on the AV Club. Get comfortable, you'll probably all be hating me for a while to come.

Hi, I'm Prankster. I'll be the naysayer-in-residence for as long as this show is being recapped here on the AV Club. Get comfortable, you'll probably all be hating me for a while to come.

Did someone just seriously try to argue that Babylon 5 was better than Buffy in any way, shape or form? Crazy talk.