
I don't agree, Pomplemousse—the whole point of the end of S5 is that Angel and co. DO draw that moral line in the sand, knowing that doing so is going to fuck them over…and does. The whole point of the moral compromises they'd made up until this point were to get to a position where they could identify and isolate the

Ironically, there'd be nothing strange about the 4 of them hanging out all the time if they didn't all kind of hate each other. But otherwise, a show built around a circle of friends (or Friends) makes the most sense. It's when you get an office group hanging out all the time that it gets ridiculous. 

Another reason Card sucks, and something I became aware of before his horrific politics: his taste in movies, TV and books is just fucking AWFUL. Look up some of his "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" columns and prepare to be amazed. The dude makes Stephen King's EW column look like a model of insightful discrimination.

Yes, his short story collections are great and read like they were
written by someone totally different. They're trippy, evocative, and
often horrific, as opposed to the spare (some would say "bland") prose
of his novels and the moralistic, sometimes overly happy-happy nature of
the stories.

Fortunately, I discovered how fucking insane Card was long after I realized that his books were getting unreadable, so there's no conflict!

Turn it off! Like a light switch!

Knepper as Dolan is another great example of a guy on this show who looks exactly like he time traveled here from the 30s. Even his name, "Tommy Dolan", sounds exactly like the name we expect a 30s reporter to have.

If you like Whedon, Nolan must be shitty! And vice versa! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE GOOD DIRECTOR AT A TIME!

Hell, I'm the guy who thinks Dollhouse was a great, underrated show. Pistols at dawn all round!

The movies were frequently flawed and formulaic, but the characters themselves were well-cast and realized excellently. Even in the weakest moments of Thor, Cap and Iron Man, I never thought "eh, I'm not interested in these characters"; it was always, "I wish these characters were in a better movie." Which, hopefully,

It's actually interesting to consider where the divergence in audience is. We say "well it's all aimed at comic book nerds" but these are mainstream, blockbuster movies now. It's not like Transformers only appealed to basement-dwelling toy collectors.

Honestly? I'm going to be contrarian and go with Avengers. I'm sure they're both going to be great, but I'm one of the small passle of people who didn't think TDK was the Greatest Thing Ever (tm)…it was a highly entertaining and smart but also bloated and often hilariously self-important movie, with an extremely mixed

Said in a ridiculous growly voice, yes.

There are a lot of awful superhero comics. And a lot of mediocre ones. But there are some great ones that are SO great they redeem the entire genre.

So long, jaded adult cynicism towards Hollywood blockbusters!

That scene definitely gave me flashbacks to the climactic space battle of Serenity. And actually the climax of "Graduation Day", now that I think about it. Whedon loves having his heroes chased by giant evil spaceships/snakes. 

She evinces more emotion in this trailer than in the entirety of Iron Man 2, so that's something.

The Dark Knight would like a word with you.

Don't forget lamewads.

I agree that HBO's model is really inconvenient and gouges the customer, but saying "the price to watch GoT legally is $100 a month" is disingenuous. You can watch GoT for free, legally, if you wait long enough. Which was Todd's point, and the point you then address in the next paragraph.