
That's why his cameo voiceover on Adventure Time is so hilarious.

That first paragraph nails a lot of my problems with this show. I'd also add that it's waaaaay too pointlessly decompressed—there's no reason they couldn't have fit most of the story as it exists into a single season—and Ben spends the whole first season moping, whining, and refusing to be a hero or use his gifts,

Which begs the question: Sims says Larry David stayed on to voice Steinbrenner, but isn't Steinbrenner voiced by a noticeably different actor this season? Like, if that's still David, he REALLY changed how he voices Steinbrenner.

THANK YOU. The Mandelbaums are excruciating.

Oh, Sally Field, Glenn Close…that might be good…

I think of Dawn as the name of an 80s anchorwoman with enormous hair and shoulder pads. Who, I suppose, could also be a lesbian.

Believe it or not, Ed Olmos is dead
Colin Hanks stuck him in the freezer
It was a twist, you must be so shocked
Why aren't you shocked?
Believe it or not, it was lame

I really hate that moment. That really hammered home the point that the show had gone from being a finely-observed character comedy to a cartoon, and not a very funny one. The show obviously had a huge budget at this point, and they were so busy blowing it on a snazzy overhead shot with a slo-mo eruption into the

But he's not in a coma, though. They just say "he's been sleeping a lot". For some reason, THAT was a little too unrealistic for them, right after the episode where Jerry gets into cockfighting.

The hatred for this show really is over-the-top. It's got some serious problems, but at its worst it's mediocre (and Not Deadwood).

No, the best line of the night was Bohannon's Bronson-esque "No, I got six bullets. I just figured I'd shoot you twice."

I don't know what Stewart's flat-out said in this regard, but I think he's been pretty consistent that he doesn't think conservatives are insane for what they believe; he thinks they're insane because they act insane and say insane things all the time. I think if the Republicans acted like grown-ups he would indeed be

I think you're drastically oversimplifying here. The clips are usually ridiculous (though simply finding them deserves credit) but some of Stewart's insight in that regard is pretty amazing too. It was a while back, but I still remember the brilliant gag in response to the pope's passive aggressive "we're sorry

Colbert's more fun to watch, but so much of pop culture is fun at the expense of insight. I appreciate Stewart trying to do some actual reporting amongst the jokes. Until TV news gets its act together, Stewart is invaluable as a gadfly.

Wyatt Cenac is also extremely funny, we haven't seen enough of him lately. And Kristen Schaal is clearly a good writer, but her obvious shyness and awkwardness on camera sometimes hurts her comic delivery.

JMS is a pretty lousy writer and should not be allowed within a hundred miles of any Watchmen sequel.

Whoaaaa, David. "The Muffin Tops" as one of the best late-season Seinfeld episodes? I would have pegged it as one of the worst. We are talking about the episode that has Jerry turning into a werewolf and Kramer hijacking a bus full of people, right?

A "silly" or "deficient" question being defined by Rand as "any question that challenges my philosophy". She was notorious for bullying anyone who tried to challenge her.

Or the Colonel from Monty Python.

Objectivism pretty much is a cult, despite its supposed secularity. Rand ran it exactly that way when she was alive, right down to the banishing of anyone who didn't conform to her views. All hail the temple of individuality and free thought.