Yeah! I agree, use it a lot and love it.
Find out if your Credit card offers extended warranty.
The playbook has a magnetometer and gyroscope.
Say what you will, but Blackberry tablet OS on the playbook has the best multi-tasking on any tablet right now.
Tried this on my playbook, doesn't work too well. I guess its not one of the supported devices.
Definitely! She was great in Iron Man
This is ridiculous. They should at least grandfather older customers or provide some sort of bundling deal. I foresee price hikes continuing as Netflix becomes more dominant.
Port your existing number to Google Voice :) Its only 20 bucks.
I loved the dual screen wallpapers last week. Can we have more of those please :)
Google Chat.
All they need to have now is an estimated time of arrival and the ability to save locations
This look great! Need to try it out after work today.
I just use my laptop to set an alarm in my living room. Once I am out of my bed and bedroom, I usually don't go back.
I don't get this. I would think that Samsung and Motorola would be pricing their tablets very aggressively to compete with the ipad, but that hasn't been the case. This looks promising, but not for $800!!
Hopefully they update to Honeycomb soon and fix all the software bugs, doesn't look like their Eden UI is ready for primetime just yet.
Toodledo on web + got to do lite on my EVO fulfill all my To-Do list needs.
Haha... this won't work for the people who friend everyone they meet.
What a rip off for $5 though