
I thought we were talking about respawning... But I believe the mechanism would be different between teleportation and respawning (a la Borderlands). In a teleportation mechanism, you're destroyed, then put back together, correct?

There's no need to brutalize ANY animal. I grew up out in the country and animals would find ways into our house all the time, but we'd catch the animal humanely, put them back outside a good distance away, scare them upon release, then go back to the house, find the hole they crawled into AND SHUT THE FUCKING HOLE.

Everything you said is true except for the copying of the consciousness part. That *could* be true, but it would have to have a mechanism of transport, which they didn't even discuss in the article as they were more focused on the physics of the atom-by-atom thing. I can't see how though that just by copying your

We don't know for certain because the experiment can't be performed. Even if this article were proven wrong and you *could* rebuild somebody's exact molecular structure, perhaps it's impossible to store a consciousness digitally and transfer it.

Unfortunately, I don't mean that consciousness = soul. The human "soul" isn't scientifically observable and until it is, I can't use the term "soul" interchangeably with "consciousness", although I believe that there are a lot of parallels. More so what I'm getting at is that you have a conscious mind that's aware

If your conscious mind is stored digitally and can be transferred to a new physical body, then all of these "what-if's" disappear. The new, respawned "you" would actually BE you in a different body. Without the transfer of consciousness from one body to the next, the new "you" is nothing more than a copy and you're

No. Sorry, they're not YOU. You're dead. They're alive. From the perspective of everybody in the outside world, this IS you, but from your perspective, you're dead and so you no longer exist. A copy of yourself does with a separate consciousness. Your conscious mind was destroyed when you died (unless it was

It's not a pointless argument. As a matter of fact it's a tremendous thought experiment, but you already know that. :)

I absolutely care if I die. I also don't want a copy of myself living on impersonating me after I die. I want MY consciousness, MY self-awareness, MY thoughts, MY feelings, MY memories to live on. He would have HIS own consciousness, HIS self-awareness, etc., but it would be separate to mine and I'd still be dead...

Exactly this. +1

But *you* ARE more than the physical sum of your atoms and I don't think there's a way around that. Just recreating all of your atoms and putting them back together in the exact same spot that they were in prior to your death doesn't include transporting your consciousness from one body to the next and that's what

FFVIII was definitely not a misstep. It had flaws, just like every game does, but I consider VIII the last great FF game in the series.

Has this article been forwarded on to Doug Liman? If not, please make it so. Kthxbye

Not what I expected. This sounds like our server room at work...

I've heard that the people responsible for trading these animals rip out the teeth of the loris so that while the toxin could still be made, it's not as effective since they can't bite you. Not sure what credence this deserves, but if that's happening, I hope all of those people die a horrible and painful death.

OMFG I just remembered Battletoads...

I must have played Strider at one point because I recognized the screenshots of it from a Google search, but I have no memorable experience with it. Maybe it made me rage right away and I quit playing it. Not sure on that one.

By the beard of Zeus, that is the sexiest Ferrari I've ever seen...

I loved Bionic Commando. But for me, the most rage inducing classic NES game had to be the first Ninja Gaiden. The birds... The damn birds that are ALWAYS in your way... If it's not birds, it's the f'ing bats! You try it a couple of different ways and those birds always kill you, so you think "I'm going to just

You, sir are a gentlemen and a scholar. You win the interwebs. #COTW