Pink Polo

I love how you acknowledge people are judged unfairly by their hairsytle, and instead of advocating for a future where that sort of discrimination doesn’t exist advocating a more broad sense of discrimination. It’s neat. It’s like if instead of legalizing female toplessness the movement was about illegalizing male

I’ll have you know I do have eyesight problems you ableist piece of trash

It’s pretty condescending to think that the working class can’t afford the donations they’re sending, they are adults with agency capable of making their own decisions. And saying it’s “better” that the wealthy donate is pretty much the mentality that allowed money to straight up buy influence in our political system.

Awww look who’s tone policing now. Absolutely precious.

I love all these words you’re putting into my mouth! No Clinton supporters on fb saying shit like “Bernie only exists to pull Hillary to the left” is unbearable. You brought up Bernie bros, I agreed and mentioned that Clinton supporters sometimes irk me too. Nothing about pp. Maybe read the posts you buzzword happy

300k for two plates isn’t evil, it’s just an obscene figure. Those rich Beverly hills residents paying for extra water in the drought to water their lawns may be paying a proportional amount to those of us conserving water but it’s still an obscene use of water. 300k is just an absurdly large figure - it’s literally

Not saying it shouldn’t exist, I’m saying it’s literally part of the establishment. And yeah, duh, Bernie bros are spoiled man-childreb. And Clinton supporters are condescending assholes. Proving election after election that Democrats have the best candidates and some of the least bearable voters

It was the planned parenthood PAC. He wasn’t deriding it, but making the point that a PAC endorsing a candidate(without the input of its employees mind you) is a part of the establishment. But please go ahead and tell me how a fucking PAC is not inherently part of the establishment

I’m saying to the working class a 300k fundraiser is fucking obscene. Sanders message seems to be give what you can, if you can. He’s not one of those televangelists saying “give me all you can and jeeeezus will repay you”. To suggest that Sanders receiving donations from the less wealthy is harmful is absurd and you

Literally no one is critiquing the recipients of the funding, but rather the insanely high price of 300+k per 2 plates

Yeah there’s no way a 300k for a two plate dinner is a gross waste of funds. No way. No, to those thousands of Americans going to bed without dinner the outrage is the 27 dollars blue collar workers are donating. You pillock.

Aww hope the precedent for your daughter is worth the dead middle Eastern children a Clinton or Republican administration is bound to produce ;p XD rofldeadbrownpeopledontmatter

Hispanics are White now? Shiiiiiiet did I miss the last racial draft?

I see your point, and it is valid. But the shitty child in me has to say: pretty sure T Swift is in the recording academy and as such voted

Ya do know Gawker media has outted people in the closet and released nudes of celebs right? But yeah not liking Tswift is the straw breaking the camel’s back

And there is a man of color who’s award Taylor walked away with

Please try? Personally I see the comment akin to people pointing out Will Smith only works with white directors. If female empowerment is so important to Swift maybe sending her the message that she ought to work with other women is important

I’ve lived in Los Angeles my whole life and Ive never seen that man

Look up any name on any porn site.

He’s also been, y’know, balancing a career with raising a child you judgemental ass. Totally valid criticism of how women are portrayed in his movies though, yer absolutely right