Hillsong is like all the acoustic guitar people at frat parties found each other and formed a church. Results seem pretty straight forward.
Hillsong is like all the acoustic guitar people at frat parties found each other and formed a church. Results seem pretty straight forward.
Anybody who still expects any check by Dump to not just be written on a Superball at this point has been raised in a Skinner box by the Amish.
Almost every one of those photos has a “last known photo” vibe to them.
FUCK Gabriel Sterling...yeah, I said it.
The caption on the photo reads, “@ossoff can have the plant burger, we’ll take the all-star special. Pick your side, Georgia.”
Won’t be long until new and long-dormant accounts come out to claim how Heard lied, judge is bought etc etc as his fans on twitter have been doing since 10am (when earlier they’d been celebrating what would be an easy win for him).
Seduced presents Keith’s true ideology. The Vow presents a candycoated version of his ideology meant to make the people who believed it look better. If you want to understand how he manipulated people, you have to watch Seduced. On it’s surface, Keith’s teachings were always harmful. There’s a reason why Nancy asked…
They sent Tiffany.
“It does seem odd that discrimination against an employee gleaned by snooping on them outside the office is not wholly illegal across the board regardless of pregnancy status.”
So cartoonish as to be almost unbelievable. I’m surprised he didn’t also claim they cackled whilst rubbing their hands together too.
Oh please. Talk to any black students in State College and you’ll hear that it’s racist AF too. They are just more like North Carolina where their is a veneer of politeness to accompany it.
How convenient of him to suddenly decide to acknowledge this and “apologize” just a little over a week after she had a baby with the man she left his abusive ass for.
It’s great that he got good internet connection after disappearing up his own asshole.
I’ve been wondering if the show runners wanted to show the extreme violence inflicted on Emmett Till to underscore the horrors of white supremacy, but didn’t want to revisit it on a black body. I’m still a little confused about the in-universe reason though.
It’s baffling that a feminist website employs so many edgelords as writters.
“A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post”
Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you want him as a fiance? It’s drastic, I know, but it sounds like he’s fallen down the QAnon hole (with the Biden is a pedophile thing) and I’m not sure that’s the kind of person you would want in your life. This isn’t something that I’m saying to you lightly, but I follow…
Ya, it wasn’t obvious I was talking about the founders of this country. I sincerely apologize for being the first person to make an unclear statement on the internet.
I’m definitely seeing the parallels between QAnon and the Satanic daycare scandals of the 1980s, which ruined innocent lives.