
pc gaming would suck without my xone controller. kb/mouse....lol. that’s for Excel, i want a vibrating controller in hand for games.

Yeah, gaming laptop battery lives are usually horrible. Mine gives me maybe 2 hrs. Usually it’s plugged. I don’t know when IPS displays became common but I really like that. And having matte and not glossy. One of my favorite things is having an ssd for the OS and a few key programs and the 1tb HDD for misc. junk.

yeah, I like having a big display on the laptop so mine is 17" (although pretty light and non-bulky for that size.) But it seems we have different needs, you want that more portable yet high powered ultrabook. Are there laptops under 15" that even come with an AMD/Nvidia gpu at the moment?

i’d rather jut buy a nice 1500-2k laptop and not worry about constantly being on the cutting edge upgrade wise. If in two years i’m playing the latest games with settings on high instead of very high or ultra not a big deal. year or two more get a new laptop. sure some new screen tech or something else will be around

thing is it’s worth about $20...who pays for this garbage?

love my laptop, need and prefer the form-factor...have had a few pc master race people complain about them which I’m proud of because the whole concept of “pc mater race” is lame and runs at about a 12 yr old mentality. Also, while I’m at it, PC needs a good racer to rival Forza and GT. Why don’t we have one? Are

everything Razor produces is overpriced

Now playing

the people in the pic above are the same as these people:

look at all the sjw’s you pissed off now. they love being pissed.

that’s because these people’s hate and anger levels are off the charts... they rip on everyone and everything over anything. going to college where there is such thing as a micro-aggression. hilarious.

yup everyone is a bigot or racist....keep saying that to stifle any debate...meanwhile your hate and anger levels are off the charts...are you a millineal, just ripping on everyone and everything?

great, we already have nothing in the way of sports/racing games on PC. now people aren’t gonna support this and will instead buy some lame mmo.

all your games and hardware will be very expensive...lol @ the people from left or right who every 4 yrs make the “i’m leaving if x is elected” pledge. rife with drama.

doesn’t that set a dangerous precedent in instances of false rape claims? had sex, got angry over something else, gonna make him pay.

“it would be good if we could get people to understand that it is actually extremely common in cases of acquaintance rape for the victim to attempt to normalize relations with the aggressor.”

typical auth liberal....‘She got into my bed naked and woke me up with oral sex’...I don’t doubt that at all.

AA is not a cult and if don’t think you’re an alky they aren’t gonna try to push on you that you are...they know when you’re there by court order and don’t wanna be there. they’ll sign your slip and you can leave. I figure you prob have something against it because it is optionally based on religion. Has done a load

calling ms. clinton...

LOL GOP debate did not give gawker enough clickbait...moving to useless news about alba after 5% of the usual brainwashing posts.

the debate is calm...what is gawker gonna do for clickbait for the next hour?