
everything Razor produces is overpriced

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the people in the pic above are the same as these people:

look at all the sjw’s you pissed off now. they love being pissed.

that’s because these people’s hate and anger levels are off the charts... they rip on everyone and everything over anything. going to college where there is such thing as a micro-aggression. hilarious.

yup everyone is a bigot or racist....keep saying that to stifle any debate...meanwhile your hate and anger levels are off the charts...are you a millineal, just ripping on everyone and everything?

great, we already have nothing in the way of sports/racing games on PC. now people aren’t gonna support this and will instead buy some lame mmo.

all your games and hardware will be very expensive...lol @ the people from left or right who every 4 yrs make the “i’m leaving if x is elected” pledge. rife with drama.

doesn’t that set a dangerous precedent in instances of false rape claims? had sex, got angry over something else, gonna make him pay.

“it would be good if we could get people to understand that it is actually extremely common in cases of acquaintance rape for the victim to attempt to normalize relations with the aggressor.”

typical auth liberal....‘She got into my bed naked and woke me up with oral sex’...I don’t doubt that at all.

AA is not a cult and if don’t think you’re an alky they aren’t gonna try to push on you that you are...they know when you’re there by court order and don’t wanna be there. they’ll sign your slip and you can leave. I figure you prob have something against it because it is optionally based on religion. Has done a load

calling ms. clinton...

LOL GOP debate did not give gawker enough clickbait...moving to useless news about alba after 5% of the usual brainwashing posts.

the debate is calm...what is gawker gonna do for clickbait for the next hour?

I used to argue that the 88 Pontiac Bonneville SSE was better than a 911 in 6th’ish grade.

come June milk will be the next kale and kale will be the health equivalent of eating the fat and gristle off of a spoiled steak. The scientific debate is going nuts as I type.

While I get that for a large number of people multiplayer is a big thing and it makes the games worth buying or give it a longer shelf life, for me it’s Single Player or I’m out. I’ve never enjoyed the multiplayer aspect of any game unless it’s with another human sitting next to me playing. Games are a means of

i wonder how many steam users have systems with basic integrated graphics (which can run many of these games) vs. higher-end systems that can play the more demanding games.

great let steam release every single game thrown at it...in the meantime, some big developer needs to make a proper racing game along the lines of Forza or GT for PC. NFS is trash and Project Cars is fun but a bit too much on the sim side. We could also use the MLB baseball liscense, Sony. -Signed, one of the 6 pc

oh no low-fi old video game music!!!