
why is it anyone else’s business to begin with?

you’re not the only one...i’m a guy, add 5 years to your age, my career has bombed (partly like you because i let a long-term relationship consume me after break up....like an idiot), i have yet to land, not even dating anyone. broke. all my friends have turned to adults and have kids they enjoy and good marriages. We

go out to like a college bar....keep asking till you don’t get turned down. every time you ask your odds increase. go up to 99 chicks....get turned down 98 times who cares. The 99th will be the best anyway.

“Yea, dealing with clumsy inferior controls is all part of the experience. *eyeroll*”

you said something how alot of gaming peripherals have lame names (and devices too, ie a laptop with stupid “republic of gamers” badges all over it...i said my peripheral has a nice, basic, non lame name.

i do...works swimmingly with porn. actually rumble with that wld be nice too (hooking up controller)

but....i live in the “Bible Belt” and am a redneck Southerner....i thought we were the ones that did this stuff. - heh

oh look, someone knows what a function is...or that there is a word called function that relates to programming....i didn’t know that we programmers were supposed to embrace memes and other internet fads. must have been a higher level class. LOL at “lacking familiarity with other game concepts” i.e. preferring a

thanks for your comment...i’ll be stealing it ;)

my laptop came with a slider from the manufacturer that would let you “enable optimum dpi scaling” and looked much better. the slider is gone now after upgrading. booo.

Some say they like it better on “easy” rather than nightmare mode because the alien isn’t stalking you as much and so it’s there’s more suspense. I’m just starting this game which I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about and can’t bring myself to put it on easy.

lol at complaining about geforce experience not having the driver and having to go the site....win 10 final is still not out the public, why expect nvidia to have a driver out days before. they’ll prob release one tomorrow.

what about the tucson

7 speed manual porsche....is what we crow about.

stupid Americ....oh wait.

you’re an idiot.

lol, i love powdered wigs. and that you find people who don’t use the same input device to game as you do loathsome. Get a life, man.

because the games are designed with controller in mind. kb/mouse=makes it boring

Or if your isp is comcast ask for one of these, same $10/mo. there were only 3 in my big city and they aren’t out everywhere yet.

Or if your isp is comcast ask for one of these, same $10/mo. there were only 3 in my big city and they aren’t out

exactly...the less stops the better.