
I’m convinced at this point that Nintendo is trolling us. They come up with these amazing ideas and games and then insert some gamebreakingly stupid design decision. From friend codes, to lack of couch coop in Mario maker and splatoon, to no 2 player multiplayer support for this game it’s just....bleh.

Really? -sigh- You know, this is a really pathetic day and age where apparently Superman and Wonder Woman being a thing is so as such low standard and “Wonder Woman should be treated better than a play thing,” but as soon as Supes and WW break up...everyone immediatly goes for the “Great, now she can go with Batman.”


Rules of thumb:

This reeks of sales problems. I was a HARDCORE Rock Band fan, but the DLC dropped off quickly and the new track lists on the disc is C- garbage filler.

Huh. Seems the gamergate freaks having nothing to say about this horrible breach of ethics. Funny, that.

Well good sir I disagree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
It is easy to compare it to wanting to play Madden when you can’t really go out and play football but for the price you pay for the entire Rockband set you can get musical gear and start expressing your own creativity. I’m not

Activision is doing this. There’s a 5-star review right now for Guitar Hero Live PS4 on Amazon by an Activision employee. But there are no news articles reporting that.

I *get* the whole frowny face at the idea of people posting positive reviews of their own product. I’m on board thinking you should probably refrain from that.

I agree and disagree at the same time. I agree that learning real instruments is infinitely more fun and rewarding. But Rock Band is also valuable as a gateway drug for those who would be inclined to play the real instrument, and it’s fun regardless for those who aren’t interested. Personally, Rock Band and Guitar

Here’s that annoying moment where we have to remind you that people have varying tastes and not everyone likes the same things as you. And I guess we’ve gotta bring out the old comparison of “some people like playing real football, but that doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy Madden.” It's not that you don't like music

See, now *this* is actually about ethics in gaming.

True, but isn’t the box set of Rockband around $250? You can buy a guitar or small synthesizer for that much.

Lol I mean I get it’s appeal, don’t get me wrong. I also get the appeal of a coloring book when someone doesn’t know how to draw. It just always seemed to me that a coloring book holds back an individuals

“I’m inclined to believe their statement based on how transparent Harmonix is. I played the game at a friends house the other weekend and it was a lot of fun, especially the new freestyle solos...”

Amazon just sued like 1000 people for this didn’t they? I wonder if Harmonix will be added to that list?

As far as I can tell, RB4 is RB3 with fewer features. And you have to buy all-new instruments.


Super nerds post videos of Mario in UE4 and the likes saying “this is how Mario should look on a next gen system!”

it also states that the batteries in the detectives gameboy had long since died and the screen was black...the screen on an original gameboy would be more of an amber/green/olive/puke color when the batteries died, that was what did it for me

I disagree. A BAD creepypasta (crappypasta) is muuuch more entertaining for how poorly they're written. Check out Retsupurae's crappy pasta playlist if you want to listen to some :D